Do you think if you have an order with 24/4 - 8/5 that'll it'll come on the 24th? Im getting the watch delivered to my friends house in London and need to book my flights and I'm wondering will I gamble on going over on the 23rd.
Do you think if you have an order with 24/4 - 8/5 that'll it'll come on the 24th? Im getting the watch delivered to my friends house in London and need to book my flights and I'm wondering will I gamble on going over on the 23rd.
The date range you mentioned was the one that was shown initially upon launch. I think it's safe to say many people will receive them on launch day but perhaps not all. If you ordered within the first 10 mins or so I would think you'd be in a good position but only time will tell
I'm going to assume most people with 4/24 in the shipment dates will get it on or around then, as per most Apple pre-orders. The 4/24 dates went rather quick, so it's likely we'll get them on launch.
My SS sport band says 24/4-8/5, but after my previous experience with the iPhone 6 Plus (said 2-3 weeks but shipped in 3 business days) I think that it is likely that anyone with that shipping time will get it on the 24th
I really hope and think we will get it on the 24. Apple is a great company when it comes to shipping and getting your order out. I believe we have pretty strong odds