Well, just thought I post this here , he basically sums up all the reasons why this machine is favourite
I feel I’ve remarked on this in the not terribly remote past.
The 13" MacBook Pro, despite the video person’s take, is very much a MacBook Pro in its construction, relative power, and portability. In the long run, integrated graphics may have been a function of internal space, but it’s also what separated the 13" 2011 models from the larger versions which are permanent lemons. Otherwise, the 15" and 13" MBPs share a lot of same ports and functions. The 17" at least provided an ExpressCard slot.
Conversely, for as elegant as the Aluminium PowerBook G4 12" was (and yah, still very much is), there remains a long mess of features and aspects of its internals which resonate more as a “metallized” iBook G4 12" and nothing at all like the Aluminium PowerBook 15" and 17" models.
Having opened and worked inside of all these systems (the 14" iBook excepted), I still double-take whenever I find a picture of a greyish, post-2002 iBook G3 and a 12" PowerBook G4, as they look fairly similar. This is not so much a detraction on the 12" PB, but there was no question Apple’s designers pushed and pulled closely between the iBook product team and the team involved with the 12" PB.
Like the iBooks, the 12" PB lacked a PC Card port. Also like the iBooks, it never accommodated two RAM slots, never featured the FW800 port, and never was equipped with Gigabit ethernet. the 12" was nearly as thick as the polycarbonate iBook G4s, and much thicker than either of the 15" and 17" editions. It also lacked an LCD
upgrade option, which would have been possible with the 1400x1050 WSXGA+ monitors which had been in production from at least 2003.
Atop all this, the 12" wasn’t green-lighted for a final revision the way the 15" and 17" models were, leaving the 12" with more or less the same functionality found with the late 2004 iBooks.
That said, the 12" keyboard was delightful, just as it is with all the other Aluminium PowerBooks and pre-unibody MacBook Pros.