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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2010
Helsinki, Finland
I got my first application written in Lua accepted to the App Store. Lua source code for the application is here.

I haven't open sourced the actual framework yet, but if you are interested in the framework, contact me and I will let you know when it is available.


Don’t feel like working. Feel like spacing out? What to surf the web or sleep without interruptions at the office?

Never has slacking off been so easy and fun at the same time!

The new and improved version of Office Space Out, will enable you to configure your program to play keyboard and mouse sounds, like you were actually using them for real. Your boss will never know the truth and he will probably think that you are the hardest working person in the company.

There are three prerecorded types of keyboard sounds available. If none of them match your keyboard, you can record your own.

You can configure how much fast typing, slow typing, mouse usage, and silence should be in one loop. You can configure the sounds to match your work task.

Price: 1.59€/$1.99

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