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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 11, 2011
So I've been hanging on to 10.9.5 due to all the issues reported with wifi connectivity with 10.10. Now I see their second point release has come it safe to upgrade now?

I'm running a 2009 MBP, 2.26GHz Core 2 Duo, 8 GB Memory, and a Samsung SSD.
So I've been hanging on to 10.9.5 due to all the issues reported with wifi connectivity with 10.10. Now I see their second point release has come it safe to upgrade now?

I'm running a 2009 MBP, 2.26GHz Core 2 Duo, 8 GB Memory, and a Samsung SSD.

My sig shows the stats of both my machines... I have a similarly aged MBP to you...

Yosemite has been OK on it... There are the bugs which 10.10.2 goes a little way to resolving... The UI still lags and stutters a little, chess still crashes (not that I use it however...), WiFi is good but not as good as it could be.

Overall it is OK, but if you want buttery smooth, stay where you are.
My sig shows the stats of both my machines... I have a similarly aged MBP to you...

Yosemite has been OK on it... There are the bugs which 10.10.2 goes a little way to resolving... The UI still lags and stutters a little, chess still crashes (not that I use it however...), WiFi is good but not as good as it could be.

Overall it is OK, but if you want buttery smooth, stay where you are.

Thanks - I'll stay put. I don't know that I have a need for Yosemite anyway - I don't even have an iphone so I'm not entirely sure what I'd gain by upgrading. Just thought I should stay up to date for security, support, etc reasons.
Wifi was wonky with the release version of yose for me personally (early '11 13"MBP), then was fine again after the first update. (Still fine with the second update btw. :))

Despite the weak, aging hardware of my laptop, OSX still runs just fine on it. I've got it connected to a thunderbolt display, Safari is smooth and responsive even in fullscreen mode, and I love the new updated UI. The grey of previous OSX versions was dreary as hell, and that damn linen texture was really bugging me whenever I caught a look of it. Now, OSX is white and pretty and looking great. (YMMV, of course...) I'd NEVER change back, short of on pain of death.

Not to mention security updates, which is really becoming a Big Deal these days. While I believe Apple still patches the two prior OSX versions, I still prefer being fully up to date.

So yeah, OSX has never felt or looked better, methinks. If you got, say, a time capsule or other backup device, maybe you'd want to give yose a test spin. That way you could always roll back to the exact state and configuration of your previous OS if you don't like the way it is now. However, maybe just bite the bullet, switch over now and get used to it, because Apple's not (for better or for worse) going to A: go back to the way it was, and B: keep updating old OSXes for very long. A couple years more probably. Then they'll drop support, as usual.

You'll get a couple more features which you'll maybe like out of the bargain (the iOS style notification center's kind of neat for example), and it's free, so why the hell not, right? Heh. :p
Thanks - I'll stay put. I don't know that I have a need for Yosemite anyway - I don't even have an iphone so I'm not entirely sure what I'd gain by upgrading. Just thought I should stay up to date for security, support, etc reasons.

I'd do it, and I did do it earlier. I turned of Transparency as that seemed to add a constant 3% or so of cpu usage which I was more concerned about it shortening the battery life per charge - but I find the UI just as smooth as under Mavericks and ML - on a 2011 13". WiFi has been constantly OK, as ours don't have Handoff support I don't think they are exposed to the extra BT interference on the 2.4GHz WiFi channels that I think cause the WiFi issues...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I do have a timecapsule - well its a NAS that time machine backs up to. To save that backup in case I want to go back how do I do that - go into the NAS and rename and move the backup file until I'm happy with yose?
Thanks - I'll stay put. I don't know that I have a need for Yosemite anyway - I don't even have an iphone so I'm not entirely sure what I'd gain by upgrading. Just thought I should stay up to date for security, support, etc reasons.

By all means avoid upgrading.

Especially since you don't have any compelling reason to do so. If not for Apples obsession of pushing users to update, there'd be far fewer users having problems.

Leave yours alone and enjoy the trouble free experience.
No, Yosemite was a bad experience for me. I'm on Mavericks again due to graphical lag on a retina Mac.

Don't upgrade.
No problems here--upgrade was a breeze for my 2012 rMBP. Personally, I like the new look--but that is totally subjective. As for the upgrade itself, was effortless with no issues--although I did wait until a few weeks ago to do it.
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