Serious question. Apple skipped the iPhone 9, and waited 2 years past the iPhone 10 to release the 11. We're on the 12th year of iPhones since the first (12 years since 2007), and we're on the 13th generation of iPhones starting with 2007 as the first. The "S" convention is out of balance since the iPhone 8 (really a 7S or 6SSS, names which Apple opted not to use). This is especially the case given that Apple is recycling designs 3 or 4 years (iPhone X 3 years, iPhone 6-8 4 years) instead of 2 like with the iPhone 3GS, 4S, 5S, and 6S. Hopefully the iPhone 11 gets a fresh design next year, but that's a separate conversation.
So, can someone enlighten me as to how there may or may not be a single logical justification for the name iPhone 11?
So, can someone enlighten me as to how there may or may not be a single logical justification for the name iPhone 11?