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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 16, 2011
I'm trying to remember the name of an old Macintosh game that I used to play. Here's what I think I remember:

- Classic Mac game (black & white)
- Possibly came preinstalled, made by Apple?
- It was kind of like a tutorial that taught you how to use your mouse.
- I remember using the mouse to open a window blind, swat a fly, and drive a car.


Sorry if my memories are vague or incorrect; I was a little kid back then.
Looks like somebody else had my same question back in 2003, but didn't get an answer:

My brother and I have been trying to remember/locate a game/tech demo that we had on our Apple IIgs back in the late 80's. It was essentially a few mini games that were intended to introduce people to the mouse and keyboard of their newfangled desktop calculator, as well as show off the sweet sound and all 16 colors. One of the games was a floor plan of a house with a robot in one room, and you're task was to navigate him to another room to make/do something. You had to input commands adventure-game style, such as "go left", "make coffee" and such. The main part of the game we remember is an introduction to clicking, dragging, and other mousey tasks. Your job was to click and drag a car along a windy path, from one side of the screen to the other. About halfway you'd trigger a fly swatting mini game where you had to click on flies on the windshield to swat them. Once done with the flies you continue dragging your car to a gate, at which point you have to open the trunk with a key, open a couple of suitcases, rummage around and find the gate key.

This most likely came packaged with the Apple IIgs, and we'd like to try and find a playable version for nostalgia's sake. I've tried Googling various combos of the details but haven't had any luck.
Looks like somebody else had my same question back in 2003, but didn't get an answer:

I was able to track this down and registered here just so I could answer this. This question has been bothering me for years, literally.

It was Your Tour of the AppleIIGS

I havent found the original (1986) but the newer version (1988) can still be played here:
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