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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 2, 2005
Is there a decided best way of dealing with this?

My primary problem seems to be the front edge of the laptop in front of the trackpad, since I commonly rest my thumb there, but of course, anywhere I touch it consistently will have some level of this problem.

The last one I sold, the guy emailed me and asked if I spilled acid on it or something. (I took closeup photographs of it in the listing, but he was just curious how I could have done that.) I assume it's bacteriological. I tried wiping the places down with alcohol daily when I noticed it starting, but it didn't do anything to slow it down.

My replacement MBP 2016 (that decided to not charge or turn on anymore after a couple weeks of use) will be arriving soon, and I'd like to get a head start on the pitting problem if I can.
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Don't eat or drink while using your laptop. Also, if you use medications or skin products they can effect your skin's pH.
It's not a food/drink issue. It's a skin issue for a lot of people. I do this to anything metallic that I touch on a regular basis. Aluminum at least.

I'm working under the assumption that the skin issue is still not well understood (just from previous research), and even if it were, not a feasible approach to a solution.

i.e. I'm asking about films/skins/coatings/etc that can be used. Or something similar that Apple doesn't recommend against already.
Is there a decided best way of dealing with this?

My primary problem seems to be the front edge of the laptop in front of the trackpad, since I commonly rest my thumb there, but of course, anywhere I touch it consistently will have some level of this problem.

The last one I sold, the guy emailed me and asked if I spilled acid on it or something. (I took closeup photographs of it in the listing, but he was just curious how I could have done that.) I assume it's bacteriological. I tried wiping the places down with alcohol daily when I noticed it starting, but it didn't do anything to slow it down.

My replacement MBP 2016 (that decided to not charge or turn on anymore after a couple weeks of use) will be arriving soon, and I'd like to get a head start on the pitting problem if I can.

Maybe something like the BestSkinsEver MBP skin might work?

Thinking about getting it for mine to prevent stractches/dings around the edges and wrist area.
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Sweat/oils on hands are slightly acidic iirc. Forensics 101, every time you put hands on keyboard (anything) you put a little of yourself on it and you get a little of it on you.

Not to mention, watch bands, bracelets, rings.
Sweat/oils on hands are slightly acidic iirc. Forensics 101, every time you put hands on keyboard (anything) you put a little of yourself on it and you get a little of it on you.

Not to mention, watch bands, bracelets, rings.

Was just about to say the same, I work in Printable Electronics and the acidic levels from sweat/oils can cause "damage" to metals over time, we even interleave with acid free paper for packaging purposes to avoid the same types of issues.

I would also advise some type of protective skin to cover the inside of the laptop as that should stop this happening.... or you could always wear gloves lol
Sweat/oils on hands are slightly acidic iirc. Forensics 101, every time you put hands on keyboard (anything) you put a little of yourself on it and you get a little of it on you.

Not to mention, watch bands, bracelets, rings.
Biology 101, we leave far more than ourselves on things we touch at all :) (And take a lot of other things obviously. A common first semester biology lab assignment is swabbing keyboards to demonstrate-to/horrify the students.)

Either I'm a xenomorph or my bacterial cloud if you will generates more acidity than normal. I know it's one of those; I'm just not sure which. I just know it's drastically out of the normal range, because anytime someone sees what I do to metal, they ask the same kind of question "Did you spill some kind of acid on this?"

Anyway, a film seemed the obvious approach, but I thought I've read where Apple recommends against such things.

Considering the worst location is that little indent on the front of the base, a film would be a difficult solution. I wonder if there's an acceptable liquid/paintable film. i.e. a thin clear coat at least for that location. Normal films for the sides next to the trackpad seem obvious, but again, I feel like I've read from Apple that's typically a bad idea. Screen damage etc. Maybe I'm thinking of something else like keyboard covers though.

My primary reason for being concerned with this isn't cosmetic so much as resale. I generally sell my previous laptop when I get a new one every 2-3 years, and it's not fun having to say basically: I swear by whatever your value equivalent to an immortal soul is, I didn't spill anything on this. This is just from my touching it >.<
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