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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 11, 2005
Where can I get this ridiculously over priced app for a decent price? (under $50) Anyone selling a used copy anywhere?
The reason I want it is because it's the only decent to do app for the iPhone, so I spent the $20. But now I gotta spend another $50-$80 just to sync it? Come on....


macrumors regular
Oct 15, 2007
As far as I know most EULA do not allow you to resell software so I am not sure how much luck you will have.


macrumors newbie
Feb 27, 2009
OmniFocus For Sale Cheap

I have decided to use Things instead of OmniFocus and would like to sell my fully-functional copy, which includes the legal License Key. I have cleared the transfer process with the OmniGroup support team. Asking price is $45.


macrumors 6502
Nov 14, 2008
Boulder, Colorado
I have decided to use Things instead of OmniFocus and would like to sell my fully-functional copy, which includes the legal License Key. I have cleared the transfer process with the OmniGroup support team. Asking price is $45.

I think you mean cultured code instead of OmniGroup :)

Cheapest place you can get OmniFocus is well… OmniGroup!

+1 for things, if you are eligible for an edu discount, Things is $35 :) OmniFocus is discounted too I just don't remember how much.
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