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macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
that was me until about a month ago, when my 6+ developed touch disease. I have insurance but didn't trust them to do anything other than replace the screen so dunked it in the sink. The replacement arrived today with 10.0.2 :( at least it gives me a reason to move my watch to watchos3. Now to wait for the iOS10 jailbreak.
that was me until about a month ago, when my 6+ developed touch disease. I have insurance but didn't trust them to do anything other than replace the screen so dunked it in the sink. The replacement arrived today with 10.0.2 :( at least it gives me a reason to move my watch to watchos3. Now to wait for the iOS10 jailbreak.
I had a 6+ on the 8.1.2 jailbreak in September of last year. Then I cracked the screen and my replacement was a 6+ with iOS 9.0 - which did not have a jailbreak then.

We ported to T-Mobile about a week and a half after that and I turned that phone in for my current 6s+. Which was kind of sad because that replacement 6+ was (according to the serial) only a week old. For being a replacement and a remanufactured device it was sure nicer than the 6+ that I cracked the screen on.

Ah well…
Someone on reddit mentioned that it's been a year.

And indeed, it has! I looked it up and one year ago today I jailbroke my 6s+ on 9.0.2.

My 6s+ is still on 9.0.2. In fact, it's still the same iPhone, a first for me as I went through three iPhone 5's and two iPhone 6+'s.

Really nice to be in this spot with a stable, mature jailbreak and a device that has zero issues.

I remember it well.

I had just taken delivery of my very first smartphone - the 6s - and was greeted w/this news within 48 hrs. And my iOS is unchanged a year later.

I just might stay with this forever...there would have to be new JB news for me to consider upgrading.
Seems like seeing JBs come out is becoming a thing of the past. I don't rly even like the new changes on iOS 10, or do not care enough to update.

Still on 9.3.3 on my 6s and have both the 1 yr enterprise cert plus the JB app that released on the App Store. Doubt I'll even update, unless an untethered option ever released.
Seems like seeing JBs come out is becoming a thing of the past. I don't rly even like the new changes on iOS 10, or do not care enough to update.

Still on 9.3.3 on my 6s and have both the 1 yr enterprise cert plus the JB app that released on the App Store. Doubt I'll even update, unless an untethered option ever released.
I'm waiting for the iOS 10 jailbreak.

For some reason I have it in my head that iOS 10 is a different thing than this flat, multicolored unicorn puke Apple's been pushing on us since iOS 7. I may be wrong, but I won't update anyway until there's a jailbreak for it.
I'm waiting for the iOS 10 jailbreak.

For some reason I have it in my head that iOS 10 is a different thing than this flat, multicolored unicorn puke Apple's been pushing on us since iOS 7. I may be wrong, but I won't update anyway until there's a jailbreak for it.

I'm actually quite fond of the color palette and current design! But I honestly would not mind going back to pre-iOS 7 design.
I'm actually quite fond of the color palette and current design! But I honestly would not mind going back to pre-iOS 7 design.
Some people are and I get that.

I just think Jony Ive visited a daycare center once and took some inspiration is all. Having raised two kids my fondness for primary colors is lacking. :D
I personally think you missed the boat on 9.3.3 but I can appreciate you wanting to stay put, and with a if it aint broke mentality i've been burned by upgrades too that just turned out sloppier and not worth the trouble. i kinda regretted 8.4 to 9.0 on Air 2,

9.0.2 for the majority of my owning 6s plus was a great run, especially for an x.0 in recent history

that said, 9.3.3 on my 6s plus was like a brand new phone compared to 9.0.2 in stability and performance

it was a great final wind before trading up for a 7+

but still got a 9.3.3 SE that was my daily driver for a while (and Pro 9.7) :D that thing is marvel
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Damn, just yesterday iI got a 9.3.4 SE and turns out Apple stopped signing 9.3.3 on Wednesday. Is there no way around this and should just wait for an iOS10 JB?
I personally think you missed the boat on 9.3.3 but I can appreciate you wanting to stay put, and with a if it aint broke mentality i've been burned by upgrades too that just turned out sloppier and not worth the trouble. i kinda regretted 8.4 to 9.0 on Air 2,

9.0.2 for the majority of my owning 6s plus was a great run, especially for an x.0 in recent history

that said, 9.3.3 on my 6s plus was like a brand new phone compared to 9.0.2 in stability and performance

it was a great final wind before trading up for a 7+

but still got a 9.3.3 SE that was my daily driver for a while (and Pro 9.7) :D that thing is marvel
There seem to be advocates for the later semi-tethered jailbreak and there seem to be detractors. If I was on 9.3.3 I'd look at it as "I have nothing to lose." But, my preference has always been for a fully untethered jailbreak. Not having to rejailbreak every time you boot is nice. I reboot every morning using an Activator action so this would get old very fast for me.

I also understand that there are things I am missing out on as far as feature updates and so forth. But here's the thing. The use that I put my phone to hasn't changed since Christmas 2008. The only thing that has changed is the phone I've used and the software that runs on it.

I email, I text, I make phone calls and I do Facebook either on the web or through an app. And I browse the internet, either this site or a few sites on reddit. That is the major extent of how I use my phone.

If I had stayed on my iPhone 5 running iOS 6.1 I'd still be good based on how I use my phone. In fact moving forward has caused me to LOSE some stuff. BiteSMS for one! Dashboard X for another!

So my point is that there was nothing in 9.1 or above that had any enticement for me to move from an untethered jailbreak. There's still nothing there to entice me.

Now if there is an iOS 10 jailbreak, I will move to iOS 10 simply because I've never liked iOS 7, 8 and 9 and from what I've seen of 10 it seems to be somewhat better. But it's not going to be because of features. My usage of my phone still won't change.

Good Point if you reboot device often

I just preferred 9.3.3 as an os felt less beta like and worth the semi tether for me. But in a non traditional tether context since it used to involve booting from computer/ re injecting

And I think iOS 6 is a whole nother conversation

There's a 6.1 ipad3 jail broken my mom still has. What a gem! Wish I had an iPhone 5 6.1 slate just for nostalgia trips and a better time

Good Point if you reboot device often

I just preferred 9.3.3 as an os felt less beta like and worth the semi tether for me. But in a non traditional tether context since it used to involve booting from computer/ re injecting

And I think iOS 6 is a whole nother conversation

There's a 6.1 ipad3 jail broken my mom still has. What a gem! Wish I had an iPhone 5 6.1 slate just for nostalgia trips and a better time
I hear you. Perhaps it's just how I use my phone that has prevented me from encountering any of the rough edges. I've never cared for iOS 7, 8 and 9 anyway (as many of my posts attest) so I guess I'm not expecting much from it.

I just haven't encountered any issues.
Not having to rejailbreak every time you boot is nice. I reboot every morning using an Activator action so this would get old very fast for me.
I asked you before but never got an answer. What does rebooting every morning accomplish? Why not silent mode, Do not Disturb, or Airplane Mode?

For the 10 or so friends whose iPhones I've jailbroken on 9.3.x (all without issues, I might add), I instructed them not to power down iPhone.
I asked you before but never got an answer. What does rebooting every morning accomplish? Why not silent mode, Do not Disturb, or Airplane Mode?

For the 10 or so friends whose iPhones I've jailbroken on 9.3.x (all without issues, I might add), I instructed them not to power down iPhone.
If you asked me before I missed that, sorry.

It accomplishes a couple of things for me, primarily dealing with ram usage. I find that after a reboot my sprinboard tend to crash less. My phone is on all the time, I never turn it off. Not that my springboard crashes all the time (it doesn't) but after some heavier than normal usage it can happen. Restarting helps.

The second issue is probably particular to just my phone. I've had several times where because the phone hadn't been restarted in days my alarm clock failed to go off. Three other people in the house are dependent on me rising on time (I am THEIR alarm clock) so if I don't it's a problem.

Restarting the phone seems to fix this so I can be assured that my alarm will go off in the morning.

Other than that, I use KillBackground when necessary during the day.
If you asked me before I missed that, sorry.

It accomplishes a couple of things for me, primarily dealing with ram usage. I find that after a reboot my sprinboard tend to crash less. My phone is on all the time, I never turn it off. Not that my springboard crashes all the time (it doesn't) but after some heavier than normal usage it can happen. Restarting helps.

The second issue is probably particular to just my phone. I've had several times where because the phone hadn't been restarted in days my alarm clock failed to go off. Three other people in the house are dependent on me rising on time (I am THEIR alarm clock) so if I don't it's a problem.

Restarting the phone seems to fix this so I can be assured that my alarm will go off in the morning.

Other than that, I use KillBackground when necessary during the day.

Ironically 9.3.3 helps with this so semi tether would become More moot :p

Ironically 9.3.3 helps with this so semi tether would become More moot :p
I think the problem is down to my tweaks. I have close to 200 installed and some are always running in the background.

I don't mean to imply I have constant or even frequent springboard crashes. It's infrequent, but from time to time I get little problems like the phone ringing but buttons being unresponsive or things just generally not working correctly.

So, that's why I do this. I get a clean start every day.
I asked you before but never got an answer. What does rebooting every morning accomplish? Why not silent mode, Do not Disturb, or Airplane Mode?

For the 10 or so friends whose iPhones I've jailbroken on 9.3.x (all without issues, I might add), I instructed them not to power down iPhone.

I power down the phone when I go to bed.

Why use power if I'm asleep?
I power down the phone when I go to bed.

Why use power if I'm asleep?
We don't have a home phone. We ditched our home phone some time around 2007 or so as it never saw any use and it was $60 a month for nothing.

Consequently, if our phones are off at night and there is an emergency (ours or our family) then we may have a problem.

My phone is plugged in at night and used as a nightstand clock (and alarm). My wife's phone is usually just locked. She doesn't usually plug it in to charge unless she thinks it needs charging.
We don't have a home phone. We ditched our home phone some time around 2007 or so as it never saw any use and it was $60 a month for nothing.

Consequently, if our phones are off at night and there is an emergency (ours or our family) then we may have a problem.

My phone is plugged in at night and used as a nightstand clock (and alarm). My wife's phone is usually just locked. She doesn't usually plug it in to charge unless she thinks it needs charging.

My reply really aimed at Snide.

He asked why I shut down the phone every night.
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