Hi there. I've a 4th generation Ipod touch. It's kinda ****ed up: both the power and home buttons are stuck. I use an app called Activator I got jailbreaking it to make the two volume buttons function as a power and a home button, but there's a big problem: when the iPod has been locked for a few mins, the volume buttons won't work as home and power like they do when the iPod isn't locked. So I press the stuck home button really hard, and it works. Thing is, every time I do it I've to press it even harder than the last time. The iPod's obviousy out of warranty and I don't wanna spend the money Apple (or some random repair store)'d charge me for repairing it. Also, nowadays I don't really use the iPod a lot, so I've decided to take a shot opening it and fixing it by myself. My plan's taking the home button out of the iPod and using the "real" button that lies beneath (not very aesthetic, I know). I've some experience opening electronics, but this thing's different: it has no screws. I know some people apply heat to open it, but I don't really have the elements. Buut, and here's why I'm making this thread, the iPod has taken some falls in the past and it's already "open", not wide open but I could apply force. Here're some pictures:
That black space at the left corner's what I'm talking about.
It even emits light when the iPod isn't locked.
So, what do you guys think? Could I fulfill my plan (removing the home button and leaving the "real" button to press first, then closing the iPod with some fancy glue)? I won't try to repair the power button because it's soldered to the iPod's circuit board, and I've no soldering skills.
Thanks in advance. Also, english's not my native language, so I may've commited some mistakes when it comes to phrasing things.
That black space at the left corner's what I'm talking about.
It even emits light when the iPod isn't locked.
So, what do you guys think? Could I fulfill my plan (removing the home button and leaving the "real" button to press first, then closing the iPod with some fancy glue)? I won't try to repair the power button because it's soldered to the iPod's circuit board, and I've no soldering skills.
Thanks in advance. Also, english's not my native language, so I may've commited some mistakes when it comes to phrasing things.