I was using Opera for a long tme. Once I found out that it is owned by a Chinese company, I have reduced my usage.
Anytime I see a news post about Opera the Chinese conspiracy theories come flying in quickly. I am not sure why these people want to damage the reputation of Opera. Is it because they want no browser competition and choices, or maybe they want to push everyone to use Chrome, and we know how trustworthy Google is (sarcasm).
I suggest anyone worried about the privacy of Opera to read this:
I found that post explains some of the misconceptions brought up, and provide links to their privacy statement which you can fully read. Once you read that blog post and Opera's policy statement and still don't agree with their privacy, then make the decision not to use it. Don't haphazardly listen to the conspiracists that always pop up out of the woodwork to slam Opera, please make informed choices.
With that said, also understand Opera has to make money and might have features to accomplish that goal (in the same way most of the browsers do), but you always have the option to change or disable them. Lastly, Opera is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange (the only pure browser company I know that has done so, unless you count Google and Apple). Why would they purposely hide malicious activity, which if discovered would ruin their stock.
These Chinese theories don't make sense nor have been proven by a reputable source, so I use Opera without any worry when it comes to privacy. The reason I might consider leaving Opera in the future has nothing to do with privacy, it has more to do with all the Chromium browsers getting rid of Manifest V2. If Opera follows that path like all the other browser makers using Chromium, then it looks like I will be moving to Firefox since they will be supporting Manifest V2 into the future.