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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 15, 2016
Ankara, Turkey
Hi. I just bought an 11. Previously I had 7+ and I was charging that overnight for probably 3 years by now. After 2-2.5 years later battery went down around 84%.

I want to take care this one more than older one. So I need some information about charging overnight. Does that really effect our battery? After iOS 13 we have the chance of Optimized Charging but it’s been 4 days with this phone and it’s not working for me now. How many days or charging cycles does it need to activate and realize my charging habit?

what can I do more about it?
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The optimize charging feature on iOS 13 might be working already. Supposedly it learns your schedule (if its regular) and defers the last 20% or so of the charge until later so the battery doesn't sit at 100-95% all night.
I don't have experience using it, but if you're finding the battery fully charged in the morning, it might've working correctly. The only way to know what it's doing is to wake up at 3AM and check the battery level. If it's at 100%, then it's not doing its job. If it's below 90% then it is.

Or turn Optimize Charging Off, and just use a $10 Belkin timer and set it for 3 hours (or 6). When the timer clicks off, the battery stops charging.

The optimize charging feature on iOS 13 might be working already. Supposedly it learns your schedule (if its regular) and defers the last 20% or so of the charge until later so the battery doesn't sit at 100-95% all night.
I don't have experience using it, but if you're finding the battery fully charged in the morning, it might've working correctly. The only way to know what it's doing is to wake up at 3AM and check the battery level. If it's at 100%, then it's not doing its job. If it's below 90% then it is.

Or turn Optimize Charging Off, and just use a $10 Belkin timer and set it for 3 hours (or 6). When the timer clicks off, the battery stops charging.

I was awake last night around 5 am and saw that battery level was %100. Also you can see on the battery section of settings it busted charged through %100 non stop. So I'm guessing that it is still learning my schedule but I'm curious how many charges does it take to learn or start working.
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I've had my 11 Pro since launch day - over 2 weeks now and optimized charging still hasn't taken effect on mine. What's weird is, I have a VERY consistent sleep/wake schedule - including weekends. Yet, the phone still charges to 100% vs. using optimized charging. I know this because I haven't received the message indicating optimized charging is in use and my battery logs also show the phone charging to 100% ASAP vs. holding at 80%. Makes no sense.
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I've had my 11 Pro since launch day - over 2 weeks now and optimized charging still hasn't taken effect on mine. What's weird is, I have a VERY consistent sleep/wake schedule - including weekends. Yet, the phone still charges to 100% vs. using optimized charging. Makes no sense.
that is so weird. I had my 7 plus on iOS 13 for 10 days before I upgrade and even in that I had notification about optimized charging. I don’t think it works as consistent as Apple says.
Wish the optimize charging feature included some user-definable parameters like a setting for ‘start charge time’ and ‘max charge level’ - they’d be super easy to implement. As it stands (waiting for the final 20% top-off) will certainly help, but its not enough for a battery geek like me preferring 75-25-75 cycling.

I’ll stick to my light timer or USB timer.
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Wish the optimize charging feature included some user-definable parameters like a setting for ‘start charge time’ and ‘max charge level’ - they’d be super easy to implement. As it stands (waiting for the final 20% top-off) will certainly help, but its not enough for a battery geek like me preferring 75-25-75 cycling.

I’ll stick to my light timer or USB timer.
It won’t kill you guys to wait a little until it kicks in. Your battery isn’t going to all of sudden degrade from additional few weeks of wait. I’ve had my XR from release on nightly charge without this feature and it’s still at 100%.
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I hope that will happen to me too. Battery worries me more than everything.😅 I don’t know what to do for having my phone %100 in the morning while without damaging my battery.
It won’t kill you guys to wait a little until it kicks in. Your battery isn’t going to all of sudden degrade from additional few weeks of wait. I’ve had my XR from release on nightly charge without this feature and it’s still at 100%.

Totally agree but it's weird that it hasn't kicked on after 2+ weeks with the 11 Pro considering I go to bed at ~10pm every night and wake up at ~6am every morning - weekends included. I don't use an alarm on my phone, but I would think that the phone would be intelligent enough to sense that I plug it in around the same time each day and don't unlock the screen again until 8 hours later each morning.

At the end of the day, I'm not all that concerned about the feature (I upgrade my phone every year anyway), but it seems like the optimized charging is a bit buggy if it hasn't turned on by now after a pretty darn consistent 2+ weeks.
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