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Oct 9, 2008

So I am an Android user with a 4 year old phone I adore, but its showing its age. Looking at the currently available Android options, the only one I would consider is the S9, but not with all my heart. The iPhone X is what my friends have, and it is admittedly a beautiful phone. But iOS is so lacking in features compared to Android so if I decided on it, I am most certainly looking at an instant jailbreak to install a few things.

Before I do that though, I would like to avoid doing that.

So a few questions I have, because I have not found the answer to it yet, is can iOS support multiple wallpapers, and does it have a widget that acts like Samsungs side bar for apps or the Android app Dock 4 Droid? I found that I can mostly can hide the app icons which is good but so far those two items I just have not seemed to find the answer to. Its probably something to do with how I am wording it.
So, I'm perplexed by your post. With Android, you have a plethora of truly amazing phones. Google's own Pixel phones are pretty stunning as far as Android phones go. The OnePlus 6 (let alone the OnePlus 5T and OnePlus 5 that precede it) is quite good, and even then those don't scratch the surface on what flagship caliber Android phones are available. The S9+ is certainly the prettiest that I've ever seen Samsung release. But even then, the S9 series is far from the only stellar flagship phone out there.

Also, you will always have greater widget and/or UI customization options with Android. Period.

Don't get me wrong; as much as I love Android, I also love iOS. I'm a huge proponent of the 5.5" Plus iPhones. But for the UI features you want, iOS doesn't sound like your bag. Luckily for you, aside from FaceTime and iMessage, the iTunes and iCloud ecosystems, and maybe a few iOS exclusive apps and games that you may or may not care about, there's not a whole lot that has to pull you in that direction.

So I am an Android user with a 4 year old phone I adore, but its showing its age. Looking at the currently available Android options, the only one I would consider is the S9, but not with all my heart. The iPhone X is what my friends have, and it is admittedly a beautiful phone. But iOS is so lacking in features compared to Android so if I decided on it, I am most certainly looking at an instant jailbreak to install a few things.

Before I do that though, I would like to avoid doing that.

So a few questions I have, because I have not found the answer to it yet, is can iOS support multiple wallpapers, and does it have a widget that acts like Samsungs side bar for apps or the Android app Dock 4 Droid? I found that I can mostly can hide the app icons which is good but so far those two items I just have not seemed to find the answer to. Its probably something to do with how I am wording it.
1. If you want instant jailbreak, stick with Android. Jailbreaking iOS will take away one advantage of iOS, which is updates, as you will be holding on updates for long period of time just to wait for a jailbreak on the newer iOS.
2. iOS can have custom wallpapers, but there's no way to have the wallpapers automatically changing (if that's what you meant)
3. Short answer, no. The dock on iOS is the only "dock" you can have.
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But iOS is so lacking in features compared to Android so if I decided on it, I am most certainly looking at an instant jailbreak to install a few things.
Here's the thing…about that.

First off, you have to be on the right firmware. For instance, there is a jailbreak for 11.1.2, but no jailbreak for 11.2 and above.

Second, everything available from 9.2 and higher is what you call a semi-untethered jailbreak. That means whenever you reboot your device it boots as stock. Then you launch the JB app to rejailbreak. You have to do this every time you reboot.

Fully untethered jailbreaks (such as the one I have) allow you to boot jailbroken every time.

Third, the amount of available tweaks that have been introduced or updated since iOS 8 has declined significantly. A lot of the stuff that everyone used to take for granted between iOS 5 and 7 has disappeared now.

So, the panacea you seek just may not exist.
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Thank you all for the replies and advice. I ended up getting a Samsung S9. Purple :) I just love Android better. Its a mobile experience but when I want it, a desktop power experience and that is just hard to pass up. I still prefer the X design but in the end, it seems silly to get it and be frustrated and irritated all the time right? I did do the yearly upgrade option though so perhaps next year other models will be out for me to consider.
Thank you all for the replies and advice. I ended up getting a Samsung S9. Purple :) I just love Android better. Its a mobile experience but when I want it, a desktop power experience and that is just hard to pass up. I still prefer the X design but in the end, it seems silly to get it and be frustrated and irritated all the time right? I did do the yearly upgrade option though so perhaps next year other models will be out for me to consider.

Not to make you toss your phone in favor of another, but there are several phones trying to copy the iPhone X's design. The LG G7 ThinQ and OnePlus 6 come to mind rather quickly. But there are certainly others out there as well.
Thank you all for the replies and advice. I ended up getting a Samsung S9. Purple :) I just love Android better. Its a mobile experience but when I want it, a desktop power experience and that is just hard to pass up. I still prefer the X design but in the end, it seems silly to get it and be frustrated and irritated all the time right? I did do the yearly upgrade option though so perhaps next year other models will be out for me to consider.

It sounds like you made the best choice for your needs and the S9 is a sleek and powerful smartphone. Rumor has it that iOS 13 will finally introduce more Android like customizations and other UI improvements. We'll see.
is can iOS support multiple wallpapers
If you mean a different wallpaper and lockscreen wallpaper yes otherwise no
does it have a widget that acts like Samsungs side bar for apps or the Android app Dock 4 Droid?
Google's own Pixel phones are pretty stunning as far as Android phones go.
The Pixel phones are nice
The OnePlus 6 (let alone the OnePlus 5T and OnePlus 5 that precede it) is quite good, and even then those don't scratch the surface on what flagship caliber Android phones are available.
My sister has a OnePlus 6 and it is awesome! She gets great battery life and the camera is nice. On the OnePlus 6 thread here a user posted photos as well and they look nicer than what my iPhone X takes
The S9+ is certainly the prettiest that I've ever seen Samsung release.
The S9+ does look nice and I am waiting to replace my work issued S8 with an S9
Also, you will always have greater widget and/or UI customization options with Android. Period.
Android is better for customization
Thank you all for the replies and advice. I ended up getting a Samsung S9. Purple :) I just love Android better. Its a mobile experience but when I want it, a desktop power experience and that is just hard to pass up. I still prefer the X design but in the end, it seems silly to get it and be frustrated and irritated all the time right? I did do the yearly upgrade option though so perhaps next year other models will be out for me to consider.
I have an iPhone X and it looks nice but I think the S9 might be a better overall phone
Good job, Android is the bomb..
I am considering replacing my iPhone X with a Note 9 when they're released. I'm on Verizon but if I was on T-Mobile I would take my sister's advice and get a OnePlus 6
I used to Jailbreak my iPhone 4s. I think I Jailbroke it 3 or 4 times on various versions of iOS. It's a PITA, and most of the stuff that I had to jailbreak for is now integrated into iOS. The only thing I can think of that I wouldn't have today was the alpha tag changer, but even that isn't really needed anymore, as the X doesn't show the alpha tag anyway. Stuff like flashlight, mobile hotspot, folders, etc, has all been baked into either iOS or mobile phone plans.

S9 is a good choice. It also supports all the new LTE bands for it's respective carrier (B71 on T-Mobile, B14 on AT&T).
I used to Jailbreak my iPhone 4s. I think I Jailbroke it 3 or 4 times on various versions of iOS. It's a PITA, and most of the stuff that I had to jailbreak for is now integrated into iOS. The only thing I can think of that I wouldn't have today was the alpha tag changer, but even that isn't really needed anymore, as the X doesn't show the alpha tag anyway. Stuff like flashlight, mobile hotspot, folders, etc, has all been baked into either iOS or mobile phone plans.

S9 is a good choice. It also supports all the new LTE bands for it's respective carrier (B71 on T-Mobile, B14 on AT&T).
Jail breaking is a lot different now. A lot easier
Jail breaking is a lot different now. A lot easier
I would argue that it's not. Oh sure, it's easier than what it was before iOS 5. But it's not easier than jailbreaks pre-iOS 9.2.

It's semi-untethered now. You need an Apple ID and if you have two-factor authentication on you need an App password to sideload the JB app. If you have a 32-bit device you are resigning every 7 days. You boot stock and have to run the app to JB again. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Versus, the jailbreaks from say iOS 5 to 9.1. All untethered, jailbreak once. You boot jailbroken and don't ever have to worry about jailbreaking the device again.

You have Safe Mode simply by holding volume up on boot. A thing that you have to time just right after using the JB app with semi-untethered jailbreaks.

Yes, you can use Cydia Extender with 64-bit devices so you don't have to resign every seven days. But you still have to use the app every time you reboot.

From my perspective it's gotten more difficult.
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But at the same time, what's the point? All the cool stuff has been absorbed into iOS itself, so there's no reason to jailbreak, and with increasing security concerns, every reason NOT to jailbreak.

Apple has watered these features down and the Apple masses settle for it. I still have 200+ tweaks installed because those are things Apple still does not allow.
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But at the same time, what's the point? All the cool stuff has been absorbed into iOS itself, so there's no reason to jailbreak, and with increasing security concerns, every reason NOT to jailbreak.
They literally have hardly any features. They haven’t even gave us a dark mode.
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They literally have hardly any features. They haven’t even gave us a dark mode.

Live weather on your lockscreen and homescreens, ability to place icons anywhere and shrink or enlarge them. Ability to change how many icons go in your dock or on your homescreen, transparent dock. Calls from anywhere without having to go into the phone app. Quick composing a message. Just a few off hand.
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Live weather on your lockscreen and homescreens, ability to place icons anywhere and shrink or enlarge them. Ability to change how many icons go in your dock or on your homescreen, transparent dock. Calls from anywhere without having to go into the phone app. Quick composing a message. Just a few off hand.
Yeah do you ever notice a difference in battery life after being jailbroken? My battery life wasn’t that great when I was jailbroke in iOS 11.1 but I don’t think it was good on that version on stock either.
Yeah do you ever notice a difference in battery life after being jailbroken? My battery life wasn’t that great when I was jailbroke in iOS 11.1 but I don’t think it was good on that version on stock either.
Not really.

It's declined over time but I still go to bed with over 70% remaining. But I'm on 9.0.2 and I don't use my phone for anything other than phone calls, texts, light email and light web browsing.

I sit in front of a computer pretty much for 16-18 hours a day so I don't really need my phone to function in any other manner.
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