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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 7, 2012

I made several movies like this Villa Infinito La Punta Manzanillo Mexico Renta Casa Impresionante - YouTube with FCPX with gopro footage (gopro 4 black). My workflow was as follows:

*inset the gopro sd card in mac pro.

*copy all the files to a folder in my HDD

*use those raw files .mp4 in final cut pro x

*cut the movie

*export movie to youtube

now i need to re upload my exact same movies to youtube

and i would like to use a different method so as to have better quality (defish)

*inset sd card in mac pro.

*copy all the files to a folder in my HDD

*Transcode the raw files .mp4 in the program GoPro Studio to .mov Cineform CODEC (the reason is that while transcoding it also DeFish the footage really nice, in my original movies i used a plugin to defish (c2 lock and load) but it DOESNT look as good, gopro studio does a much much better job defishing the original footage.)

*use those .mov files in final cut pro x

*export to youtube

since all the movies i made are already all cut and finish i would like to just swap the original files that i used .mp4 with the new files .mov (they have the exact same names names and duration since they are the same ones just different codec, CINEFORM)

but final cut pro x doesnt allow me to Relink the files it gives me an error saying

"incompatible file

The original file and new file have no shared media range.

Relinked files must have the same media type and similar audio channels as the original files, and must be long enough to cover all the clips that reference the files."

how can i do it?

i really don't want to have to go clip by clip dragging the new .mov file clip and trying to sync it with the other original clip .mp4. i have many movies like this.

thanks so much!
Did you try just a couple files, or tried to do all of them at once? There may be a problem in one or a couple files. I've run across that once or twice.
Did you try just a couple files, or tried to do all of them at once? There may be a problem in one or a couple files. I've run across that once or twice.

i just tried your suggestion just with 1 file and it says the same error:
incompatible file
¨The original file and new file have no shared media range.
Relinked files must have the same media type and similar audio channels as the original files, and must be long enough to cover all the clips that reference the files.¨

i do notice that the converted files .mov (cineform) have a different timecode in the videos. every single video .mov starts from 00:00:00:00 and finished at whatever times they finish, for example. 00:01:45:15
the exact same RAW video .mp4 starts at 04:14:01:06 and ends at 04:15:46:21

they are both exact same duration 00:01:45:15

maybe is something to do with that?
[doublepost=1509205917][/doublepost]all of my gopro videos where shot in ProTune so as to have better flexibility in color correction and higher bit rate. i dunno if thats of any help.
There are folks here with much more knowledge than me. When Editing FCPX creates a edit file XML I think, which says grab the video between time code xx and yy of media file zz and do something. So if the time codes are different between the media files there may be issues, but I dunno.
Thanks for your input.
Anybody else that could help me in this very frustrating editing trick? I think it should be quite simple with one program to change my timestamps of the new videos transcoded with GoPro studio so then they match the timing on the old videos.

Heeeelp pleaseee
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