I currently use the 2018 with the same version OS from factory think its Mojave or Catalina idk
Its running fine however I’m unable to backup my iPhone when connected via usb
If i upgrade can i reinstall and go back to Ventura or earlier version?
Is there any noticeable improvements upgrading i only really use this Mac mini to light video edit / stream obs & general search the web
Unsure the best solution to take
Thanks for the help
I currently use the 2018 with the same version OS from factory think its Mojave or Catalina idk
Its running fine however I’m unable to backup my iPhone when connected via usb
If i upgrade can i reinstall and go back to Ventura or earlier version?
Is there any noticeable improvements upgrading i only really use this Mac mini to light video edit / stream obs & general search the web
Unsure the best solution to take
Thanks for the help