Hi! I'm a relatively new owner of a graphite iMac 600 Mhz and I am attempting to dual boot OS9Lives and OS X 10.4 Tiger. The CD drive on my machine has been temperamental at best, and while I was able to burn and install OS9 onto the newly installed SSD (startech adaptor, with jumper set to master) with a CD no problem, I haven't had luck with Tiger.
Disclaimer before I start: I don't own another Mac at the moment, so I can't use disk utility to create installation media
I downloaded the iso for 10.4 from Macintosh Garden, and burned it to a USB stick via Balena Etcher. There was a prompt about it missing a partition table and warning it might not be bootable, but it went through with the job. I then took the stick, put it into the iMac, and as I started up, held the option key, and I was able to see the install disk for OS X listed as an option to boot into. Clicked into it, and went through the entire install process until the step to reboot the system. When the iMac rebooted, it spun for a little while before showing a prohibited symbol, and based on what I could see when I tried again and held command+v, it looks like it's searching for the boot drive. I'm a little confused at this point, because by holding option at startup I can see the two partitions, one for OS9 and one for OS X, so I'm not sure what the system is looking for. Does the issue stem back from how I created the USB, or is there something else I'm missing?
Disclaimer before I start: I don't own another Mac at the moment, so I can't use disk utility to create installation media
I downloaded the iso for 10.4 from Macintosh Garden, and burned it to a USB stick via Balena Etcher. There was a prompt about it missing a partition table and warning it might not be bootable, but it went through with the job. I then took the stick, put it into the iMac, and as I started up, held the option key, and I was able to see the install disk for OS X listed as an option to boot into. Clicked into it, and went through the entire install process until the step to reboot the system. When the iMac rebooted, it spun for a little while before showing a prohibited symbol, and based on what I could see when I tried again and held command+v, it looks like it's searching for the boot drive. I'm a little confused at this point, because by holding option at startup I can see the two partitions, one for OS9 and one for OS X, so I'm not sure what the system is looking for. Does the issue stem back from how I created the USB, or is there something else I'm missing?