12' Mac Mini 2.5GHz i5 4GB Ram 500GB HD with 2TB Ex On RAID for Backup, OS 10.10.3
Running 2 Parallel OS X 10.10.3 Servers each with 1GB of RAM.
All Software is up to date
The Installs are very minimal. No extra's just the server.
Every Morning when I come in to the office both my servers are off line. When I attach a screen They are running and just take a minute to then show up in a server client on my MBP. What the heck is going on? How do I keep the server Live?
12' Mac Mini 2.5GHz i5 4GB Ram 500GB HD with 2TB Ex On RAID for Backup, OS 10.10.3
Running 2 Parallel OS X 10.10.3 Servers each with 1GB of RAM.
All Software is up to date
The Installs are very minimal. No extra's just the server.
Every Morning when I come in to the office both my servers are off line. When I attach a screen They are running and just take a minute to then show up in a server client on my MBP. What the heck is going on? How do I keep the server Live?