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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 28, 2009
Hello. Anyone else noticed huge speed decrease of Adobe Flash player 10,0,32,18 in SL. In Leopard that version was ok, only ok comparing it to windows version that we all know that flies like it should but now on SL is absolutely too slow and unusable when I thought it would be better in SL but its worse. This change shocked me. I tried same thing on 4 macs (imac, mini, pro and mb) and result is same.

Is there any solution for this to make it as fast as on Leopard if not faster? If not then I guess a lot of us will be back to Leopard then. I mean I work with flash daily and I need it fast not slower. Its like using P4 cpu cause it sticks so much.


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 28, 2009
Ok, after testing it I figured out that its not SL fault or flash fault but its Safari in SL that makes it slow nevertheless I had Safari 4 in Leopard aswell it was smooth.

Flash nicely works and flies in Firefox, Flock, Camino and Opera so only Safari 4 is slowing it down big time. Good I can live with browser change only.


macrumors 68000
Jan 8, 2009
Somewhere around here folks have been using a developer's version of flash and it is working better for them. (so they say).


macrumors regular
Nov 4, 2008
Nice to hear why flash is slow on macs. Always thought it was Adobe's fault, but now that its Safari's, I can live with a browser change too.
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