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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 26, 2014
Last night I installed iWork 09 on my TiBook and on my Cube, hoping to get the chance to use the computers for school. I launched Pages on both Macs, only to find that the text the I type will not show up. If I go to print, it will print the text, but it makes it hard to edit documents. I can't select the text, so its not the color. Help would be appreciated!
I believe had an issue like this a few years ago except it was as on my Powerbook G4. I could never get pages (not sure if it was 09 tho) to work correctly when I typed in it, I don't think I ever figured out the issue to why that was happening.
I just gave up on iWork and installed Office 08, no big deal. However, I prefer iWork
Never had problems with iWork 09 on PPC, what might be wrong is you need to update the iWork-iLife support/framework via Apple Support page downloads as it fixed displaying of non-Pages/Numbers created documents.
One other thing I didn't mention, is that I ran the installed version of Pages from my Quad(which had all the updates) on my TiBook and it still didn't work right!
This is just a bump, as the issue is that the Rage128 isn't supported by iWork 09 for some reason. I am going to try iWork 08 and see what happens
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