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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 27, 2014
My old ATV 4K failed after 2 years. Apple store was wanting a high price to just replace it (it was out of warranty). I bought a new one instead.

Just wanting to know can I use both the Siri remotes together for playing games. Majorly interested in playing couch co-op games.
You can have the Siri remote and another generic Bluetooth remote or controller paired at the same time. Two Siri remotes though are not possible.

I have a Harmony Smart Hub with remote connected, PS4 controller, and the Siri remote and they all work at the same time.
My old ATV 4K failed after 2 years. Apple store was wanting a high price to just replace it (it was out of warranty). I bought a new one instead.

Just wanting to know can I use both the Siri remotes together for playing games. Majorly interested in playing couch co-op games.
You can have the Siri remote and another generic Bluetooth remote or controller paired at the same time. Two Siri remotes though are not possible.

I have a Harmony Smart Hub with remote connected, PS4 controller, and the Siri remote and they all work at the same time.

I routinely DO NOT pair any remotes with the AppleTV devices... no need to... simply point and click... (BTW, I absolutely despise the "Siri" remote - in my experience, it's awful, and it's difficult to find the correct orientation, especially "by feel" in the dark). I have several of the first gen white remotes and several of the gen 2 aluminum remotes which work quite well... as does my Harmony One. And none of those remotes that I have mentioned are paired to anything. They "just work" like many of the older Apple devices (although not so much for the new hardware/software options - that ship sailed long ago).
And none of those remotes that I have mentioned are paired to anything.

all of the remotes you mentioned use IR and have no need to pair.

There is a pairing option for the IR remotes, but it's a "dumb" paring, The remote has no knowledge of the existance of the receiver.

With the IR remotes, There are 256 different sets of all the commands, so for example "Play 120" or "Play 100" and "Up 120" or "Up 100"
When a receiver is paired, it ignores the commands that don't match the correct number.
When a receiver is unpaired, it will listen to any command, irregardless of the number.

Most third party remotes like the harmony, choose one code and are stuck with that.
The apple remotes will randomly change to a new code, I believe it happens when you use the pairing button combo on the remote.

There used to be (i'm sure still around somewhere) a harmony profile that mapped every button on the remote to a different combo ("1" was "play 50" -- "2" was "left 50" and so on) , and with the right software on an older mac with an IR receiver, you could use all the buttons and map to different software.
Was very handy back in the day with Plex/XBMC running on a mac.

(I'm not sure if this even still applies to the various versions of the aTV4.)
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