I have spent the last 9 hours+ sat in front of my iMac trying to install Windows 10.
I won't list all the problems but my current problem is, space I had allocated to Bootcamp now seems to be missing.
Bootcamp says "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored o a single partition"
I have tried Repair, from the Disk Util in recovery but that was no help.
Currently my partitions look like this below.
What partitions SHOULD I have for a late 2013 iMac with a 3TB Fusion drive on El Capitan? I seem to have loads here. Are there any I can delete?
I have spent the last 9 hours+ sat in front of my iMac trying to install Windows 10.
I won't list all the problems but my current problem is, space I had allocated to Bootcamp now seems to be missing.
Bootcamp says "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored o a single partition"
I have tried Repair, from the Disk Util in recovery but that was no help.
Currently my partitions look like this below.
What partitions SHOULD I have for a late 2013 iMac with a 3TB Fusion drive on El Capitan? I seem to have loads here. Are there any I can delete?