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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Here is my codes

[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeTaken*10 target:self selector:mad:selector(alphaDealImage:cardImage:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];

-(void) alphaDealImage:(UIImageView*)cardImage
cardImage.alpha = 0.0;

It crashes my program and I have searched all through the web for this problem. The bold line must be the one doing the job. Anyone knows how to write the right code for that?


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2007
There are a few things that are wrong. First of all, the method you're performing must have the following syntax (as PhoneyDeveloper said):

The design problem this creates for you should be apparent - you need the UIImageView object that you want fade. You could solve this in one of two ways (that come to mind, there's probably infinitely many) - if you're only ever going to be starting one timer at a time, you can simply have an ivar named "imageViewToFade" or something and do this:

-(void)deal:(UIImageView*)cardImage {
	imageViewToFade = cardImage;
	[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeTaken*10 target:self selector:@selector(alphaDealImage:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];

-(void)alphaDealImage:(NSTimer*)timer {
	imageViewToFade.alpha = 0.0;

Or, you could opt to use NSInvocation and avoid the imageViewToFade (which I personally think is 'messy', but that's just me). This would also be necessary if you're starting multiple fade timers.

N.B. - I don't use NSInvocation much, so make sure to check this code.

-(void)deal:(UIImageView*)cardImage {
	NSInvocation *invoc = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[UIImageView instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:@selector(setAlpha:)];
	[invoc setTarget:cardImage];
	[invoc setSelector:@selector(setAlpha:)];
	[invoc setArgument:0.0 atIndex:2];
	[NSTimer scheduledTimeWithTimeInterval:timeTaken*10 invocation:invoc repeats:NO];


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Thanks guys for helping!

Sbrocket, i used the simpler matter you had suggested being messy, and it works, thanks. I didn't believe I could actually missed that.

Going to try out your second method when I have time, been rushing all these days.

Between, till now i don't understand this:

-(void)alphaDealImage:(NSTimer*)timer {}

Why must the function has (NSTimer*)timer? I done all my timers which will trigger functions that do not need that. My english must be really bad, I don't understand what it is used for...


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2007
Please see the documentation. It says that the method you give in the selector must follow that pattern.

Oh, and I forgot the easiest solution out of them all. Wow I feel silly now. This is how I would do it - no silly NSInvocation use or instance variable needed.

-(void)deal:(UIImageView*)cardImage {
	[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeTaken*10 target:self selector:@selector(alphaDealImage:) userInfo:cardImage repeats:NO];

-(void)alphaDealImage:(NSTimer*)timer {
	((UIImageView*)timer.userInfo).alpha = 0.0;

There you go! Much cleaner. :)

Luke Redpath

macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2007
Colchester, UK
I'm 99% certain that your timer method does not have to receive the NSTimer if it does not want to - just make sure your @selector is correct:

-(void)deal:(UIImageView*)cardImage {
	[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeTaken*10 target:self selector:@selector(alphaDealImage) userInfo:cardImage repeats:NO];

-(void)alphaDealImage {
	// do something

The above will work - the important thing is to make sure that the selector has no trailing colon, which implies it takes an argument.

Of course, if you're method relies on the user info, you will need to receive the NSTimer. :)


macrumors newbie
Sep 4, 2008
In the solution where you make an instance variable, where and how do you declare it?

For whatever reason I always get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when I try to call a method on the ivar, unless I pass it in as a userInfo.

But I cant use the userInfo method because other functions need to access this variable too.
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