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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 11, 2013
Is it worthwhile to purchase the Magic Keyboard with Touch ID for the Mini just to use Passkeys?
Basically, are Passkeys secure enough and sufficiently widespread to justify spending £150 on the new keyboard just for it?



macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 11, 2013
According to this Apple support article, you can use your iPhone or an external security key device instead Touch ID for Passkeys.

I had noticed that, but it seems to imply that a QR code needs to be read.
If this is the case it would be a very clumsy implementation.
I wish I could use my watch as I do to unlock the Mac.
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Jun 30, 2007
Is it worthwhile to purchase the Magic Keyboard with Touch ID for the Mini just to use Passkeys?

Maybe not.

1. There are very few sites which offer passkey authentication.

2. Support in apps such as 1Password has yet to appear. They are accepting beta signups.

3. I'm not sure how 1Password will implement biometrics on the mini or studio without a touchid keyboard - maybe use your phone?

if you’re signing in to an account with the same device that was used to create your passkey. Your device will ask you to authenticate using biometrics,

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