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macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
No, you should be fine with 50GB iCloud storage. Assuming it isn't being used up by other devices. You are only using about 45GB on your Mac right now. Which at least 20-30GB is OS, apps and other crap. Not actual files which would go onto iCloud.


macrumors 68030
Oct 24, 2021
on My MacBook air I have storage 76.3GB free of 121.12 I pay 0.79 for 50 GB storage do I need to pay for extra storage ?
That seems pretty normal to me. The amount of free storage is fine and should not cause slowdowns. It looks like that is simply internal storage on your ssd. You should find out what you are actually using on your ssd because from your post there is no way to know. If you have 50gb icloud storage and a 128gb ssd on your air you need to separate what is on your device and what is in the cloud first before any meaningful recommendations can be made. I am assuming you are looking at internal sotrage on a 128gb ssd.

The question to ask is will you fill up the remaining storage quickly or will it remain mostly free for the conceivable future and that is a question only you can answer.

If you think that in the next few months you will fill up the internal storage on your air then it would be a good idea to get an external ssd or buy icloud storage and back up and or offload files/pictures/videos you don't use often to the offline storage. You might find that icloud storage is more convenient and as a back up more reliable than an external ssd.

However right now if everything stays relatively the same you don't need any additional storage. You are using less than half of the capacity of your ssd which is rather typical and normal. It becomes a problem when you use more than 75% of internal storage and when and if you hit that point would be the time I would get more. You might want to research your options now to be prepared if and when that happens.
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