I'm running 13.1, and noticed that pdf file attachments are popping the share sheet, rather than opening a preview of the PDF. Is anyone else having this issue?
This is the same issue I was having. Only way to open it is to share to an app like dropbox then open it there.I have the same problem since I upgraded my Ipad to IOS 13: I cannot open pdfs from e-mail app nor any other app (such as the files app); when I tap the pdf it opens the share dialogue. Works normal on my Iphone after update to IOS13. Any ideas what could be wrong?
Okay. I’m not installing betas atm but I’ll report back when the official release is installed.Just tried with the stock Mail app, but running iOS 13.2 beta, and a PDF attachment opened fine.
Fine here too, but I'm on 13.1.2, not the 13.2 beta.Just tried with the stock Mail app, but running iOS 13.2 beta, and a PDF attachment opened fine.
Wow. I just did this and it fixed it! How did you figure this out?Found the issue. Deleting the ‚Alibaba‘ app fixed the issue for me. Do not ask me why. Seems to be an iOS13 bug.
Wow. I’m amazed any installed app should be able to affect a core iOS app like messages. This is def an iOS bug not alibaba.found it here after a lot of searching: https://www.tenorshare.com/ios-13/ios-13-problems-and-fixes.html#p62
Curious, what kinds of things do have you used alibaba for? I’ve found CAM on there, someone to make a cat toy I wanted to try selling and even a diamond seller.Agreed