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Nukular Winter

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 21, 2008

I purchased a Philips Hue, not realizing that hue bridge needed to be connected via Ethernet to my wireless router.

My setup is that I get internet from a single ethernet port in the wall. This port is connected to my iMac, which provides a wireless network for the rest of the room.

Is there any way to make Philips Hue work on this setup?

If I buy an ethernet splitter and connect the hue bridge directly to the internet, will that work? Or do I need to buy a wireless router?

Thank you!


macrumors 65816
Nov 13, 2008
Can you use your iMac wirelessly? does it need to be wired?

My recommendation. Get an AirPort Express ($99) and unplug the ethernet cable from your imac to the new AirPort Express, then plug the philips hue into the ethernet port on the express and you have a better wireless signal than ad-hocing of your iMac.


macrumors 68040
Aug 9, 2009
Portland, OR
Are you NOT using a router at all? If so, you really should for security reasons. Once you do that, you will have additional ethernet ports for the room.

If you do have a router someplace else feeding the room... then just buy an inexpensive ethernet switch. Most wired Ethernet is a point to point connection... so you could not use a "splitter".



macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2009

I purchased a Philips Hue, not realizing that hue bridge needed to be connected via Ethernet to my wireless router.

My setup is that I get internet from a single ethernet port in the wall. This port is connected to my iMac, which provides a wireless network for the rest of the room.

Is there any way to make Philips Hue work on this setup?

If I buy an ethernet splitter and connect the hue bridge directly to the internet, will that work? Or do I need to buy a wireless router?

Thank you!

You seem to indicate you have a wireless router. Or are you referring to your iMac as your router?

You cannot split ethernet because its a circuit switched interface, but you can buy a cheap ethernet hub and connect both your iMac and the Hue bridge. But it'd probably be better to get a cheap wireless router with a built in 4 port switch. Provides more flexibility over time and better security as the iMac can only do WEP and any modern router (even cheapies) will do WPA/WPA2.
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