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Original poster
Nov 18, 2007
Does anyone use the photo watch face? For some reason when I set a photo to the watch face and then make adjustments to the complications, the photo will instantly change itself back to the first photo of the sync'd album. Does anyone else experience this bug?
The best way is to remove all photos you don't want from sync. Every time you make changes,the pic will be set to default or the first one in sync,so syncing more than one picture at the same time will cause problems if you use photo Watch face.
Are you using watchOS 3.2.2 or the watchOS 4.0 beta 1?

I don't have this problem on watchOS 3.2.2; I can edit an existing photo face without it changing the photo. Perhaps unsync all photos, delete the face in question, restart the watch, sync the album back and try creating the photo face again.
I'm on 3.2.2 and had some glitches on pic choosing on photo face. I just delete it and add a new face with photo face. I make faces and then change the synched iPhoto album to get more options and pics.

Also, how many faces can you add total? face or other?
Also, how can I load pix from a Photo album and have them show in the order I want. I looked at naming in iPhoto, and the meta data, Can't figure it out for sequencing when I sync the album...
Turns out the bug is only there if you have too little photos. If you have two photos in the sync'd album it will bug out, but if you have more then it's fine. I guess its ok for now
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