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macrumors 6502
Original poster
As I rely on iPhoto for managing my very large photo library I have resisted switching to Photos as in it's first incarnations it was just way too basic. A serious backwards step. May be more 'powerful' and 'elegant' and 'seamless' but that's all pretty useless if key functionality has been gutted.
Anyhews... just started trialling it again on one of our Macs that has a smaller non-mission-critical library & something has me baffled - Moments.
I get the function & have no problem with it replacing Events but it seems such a clumsy way to display things.
If I've just shot & imported 100 photos I need them all stacked behind a key image in the library (the way Events did), not displaying every single shot.
It makes scrolling through your library a total nightmare.
Yes, I am aware I could convert every new imported 'roll' to an album but seriously? Why?
Someone please tell me there is a work-around for this.
I am just lost for words that anyone could think that this present method is a good idea.
When they introduced Photos i knew i was better off never opening it. if not only for any personal pictures from my offline hdd to end up online in some icloud thing. They dont respect me, so why would i trust them. Each time something new comes to photos i consider it again, but realise it wants to be in major control. I think i will stick to just finder, my way of organizing projects, backups, etc. Originals and dev versions, etc. And just use photoshop and lightroom. And ignore the other stuff. Maybe it is a bit more work, but the extra time i dont have to fix face recognition, groups, moments, some stupid new group, smart folders, one import on top of the other etc. Nah, im good.
If you don't like photos use something else. It really is simple pixelmator is cheap and has great functionality why not try that.
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I love Pixelmator and photoshop.
The issue for me is not so much the editing, 100 good apps for that these days, it's the library management.
iPhoto had a sensible way of organising images that was neat & logical & more importantly - user friendly.
Photos doesn't. It is truly horrible and clumsy.
What I don't get at all is why anyone designing the app even thought/thinks the way it manages images is a good idea.
Why would you want every image you shot on a given day displayed sequentially rather than behind a tile or key image?

I really sometimes believe app design at Apple is like politics - the developers are given the brief that the new 'improved' app must never use features the way the old app did because that's how it used to be done.
Change for the sake of change not for progress.
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