I've been debating off and on about getting the iPhone X. Finally made up my mind. Thank you Apple for making it easy!
I won't be "giving in" to the inferior tech and increased inconvenience with the lack of Touch-ID. Or be a part of case study of how people use Face-ID or be one of those who make it seem it's perfectly normal to use Big Brother Facial Rec for casual everyday use on your phone.
$999 Price does sting.. but that was not a dealbreaker. They failed to convince about the Safety of the tech.
- Having the IR and Dot Projector radiation pulsed at your eyes.. ~
80 times a day on average. Where's long term safety studies on this? What spectrum/wavelengths are those waves? Where's the white-paper on those the TrueDepth sensors and long term safety studies?
- Having to constantly stare / actively gaze at your phone, then swipe up to unlock it. ~80 TIMES A DAY!
- Having to resort to using 6 digit Passcode after paying a hefty price.. No way for $999