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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 28, 2008
California, USA
I think it currently only works with videos in Safari/stock apps. Not sure if that's coming in a later beta or whether YouTube etc. need to be updated, I'd assume the latter.

All apps that use the standard video view controller can do PiP. Apps that use custom displays like YouTube need to be updated in order to make use of it.

But can you work around by viewing YouTube in safari? But Apple is going to allow third party apps to use the Pip feature right? Right??
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The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
But can you work around by viewing YouTube in safari? But Apple is going to allow third party apps to use the Pip feature right? Right??
YES! I have been doing it since I got the beta and I absolutely love it. I just embed my videos into a website. Mine is . I highly recommend weekly. It took me no longer than two minutes to get it up and running :).


macrumors 6502
May 15, 2010
Cloud 9
Google will never enable this feature on iOS as they want to charge people a premium for the ability to minimise a video on iOS!


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2015
humm picture in picture works perfectly fine on my note4 with zero issues. so yes it can be done.


macrumors 65816
Apr 9, 2011
This won't happen on YouTube. Backgrounding is required... YouTube will not enable backgrounding... So don't count on this feature being in YouTube


macrumors 68020
Oct 18, 2008
Youtubes worry on backgrounding was using for audio only, yes? PiP is not audio only, video still on screen. Can't see any reason why wouldn't do so.

Salvor Hardin

macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2013
Youtubes worry on backgrounding was using for audio only, yes? PiP is not audio only, video still on screen. Can't see any reason why wouldn't do so.
They should be able to support it, Apple showed it off with the Watch ESPN app which doesn't support background audio and doesn't even use the default iOS video player.There shouldn't really be any reason for Youtube not to support it unless Apple mandates that PiP requires them to also support background audio.
They also showed how you could hide a video leaving just a edge of it at the corner of the screen it's possible they might rage against that seeing it as loophole for background audio.
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