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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 30, 2011
Hi all, I am having issues with my MacBook Pro retina 2012.

All of a sudden since yesterday it's seems to be in a form of suspended state. The screen is showing illuminated off black colour (not real screen off). I can hear the fans, keyboard lights are not on.

If I press the power button it sort of goes into a suspended state with fans going off. If I press the power button again, you can hear the fans come on, screens turns back to the off black colour, keyboard light stays off.

What have I tried with no luck :

1) pressing the power button for ages to see if it will reboot .
2) pressing option+command+shift+power button.
3) Plugged the hdmi port to Monitor and TV but they are both not detecting a signal from MacBook.
4) Left it on to drain the battery hoping that will force a power it off. Battery drained off and I could see that big battery drain logo in the middle of the screen which sort of implies that the screen does work. I tried recharging and powering on it still just went back to the illuminated off black screen

So clearly the MacBook is just not rebooting or starting properly. It also means I can't even attempt to boot from USB.

Any Idea what I can do please? I have a couple of important virtual machines I forgot to backup



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Holding down the power button for about 5-6 seconds should force it to shut off completely.
(that's the first step)
It won't do this...?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 30, 2011
Holding down the power button for about 5-6 seconds should force it to shut off completely.
(that's the first step)
It won't do this...?

Nope, it won't. I had my hand on for 30+ sec and it does not power down. seems like it just goes to sleep

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