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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 29, 2014
I was cleaning my 2018 MBP screen and I noticed a couple of scratches! :( I don't have applecare. What should I do? Does anyone have any idea of how much it costs and what the process is to have the screen replaced? Please share your experiences.

I really appreciate any help!

Thank you
Does it look like the anti glare coating/staingate?

Please help! 😢
It's a little difficult to say exactly without a more detailed picture but it does look very similar to a mark that suddenly appeared on my 2017 rMBP screen while I was cleaning it last week. It looks like a stain on the screen but you can't rub it out because it is the coating that has been removed, not something that's been added....
I didn't have AppleCare.
I contacted Apple Support UK (who were really excellent) and they arranged to have it collected and repaired.
It was despatched to them on Tuesday and I received it back on Thursday (!) with a brand new screen/top lid, without charge.
My advice, I would get straight on to support.
Hope it works out for you, Ian UK
Thank you for your reply!

I spoke with Apple Support here in the US and they said that they would have to place a $780 hold on my credit card! And that it would take 7-10 business days to get the MBP back. 😢

Anyone from the US that can share their experience please?

Thanks again!

It's a little difficult to say exactly without a more detailed picture but it does look very similar to a mark that suddenly appeared on my 2017 rMBP screen while I was cleaning it last week. It looks like a stain on the screen but you can't rub it out because it is the coating that has been removed, not something that's been added....
I didn't have AppleCare.
I contacted Apple Support UK (who were really excellent) and they arranged to have it collected and repaired.
It was despatched to them on Tuesday and I received it back on Thursday (!) with a brand new screen/top lid, without charge.
My advice, I would get straight on to support.
Hope it works out for you, Ian UK
You've got "StainGate".

If you don't know what that is, better start reading up on it.

Briefly, the MacBook Pro's have a VERY thin, sprayed-on anti-glare coating.
The coating is VERY fragile, and cannot withstand excessive "cleaning".
It will start to flake off, resulting in stains and "scratches" like you see on yours.

I believe Apple had a free screen replacement program for this, but not sure if it still is in effect.

I suggest you call Apple Support AGAIN.
This time, remind the person you speak to of "StainGate" (be sure to mention it as such), and that Apple had an extended warranty on the display.
See what they say.

IF they offer to send you a prepaid shipping carton and replace the display as "part of the program", DO NOT REFUSE. Send it in, and get it done.

And when you get the repaired MBP back, learn how to care for the anti-glare coated display.
You DO NOT want to "clean it" very often!
I barely clean my screen on my MacBook Pro 13”, I also don’t touch the screen.

I probably clean it once every 6 month, if not longer.

when I do clean it, no water or soap, just a microfiber towel and i don’t push to hard on the screen when cleaning.
So, I called apple support again today and mentioned that it looks like it's an issue with the anti-reflective coating on the screen. They said it would not be repaired for free and that I would have to pay $780.

I'm really confused because they said that my credit card would be charged right now... I asked if they meant that it would be a temporary hold and she said no, they are actually charging you.

I thought that there was supposed to be a temporary hold and they would take a look at it and ask me before finalizing it?

But she said they will definitely not do it free of cost since it's considered cosmetic damage and it's a 2018 model.

Please share your similar experiences.

Thank you!
That’s bizarre. You either agree to the repair or you don’t. If you don’t they have no right to charge you. Can’t you say you don’t want the repair until further notice? That or don’t give them your card details or put a temporary block on it until the situation is clarified.

Something here sounds funky. They have no right to charge you without your authorisation!
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.

She sent me a link to make the payment (in order to start the repair and send me a shipping box) and she said I would be charged as soon as I entered the information. I asked her if she meant the amount would be put on hold and she said "No, your card will be charged right now".

I thought that the amount was supposed to be put on hold until they confirm with me if I want the repair done?

That’s bizarre. You either agree to the repair or you don’t. If you don’t they have no right to charge you. Can’t you say you don’t want the repair until further notice?

They have no right to charge you without your authorisation!
Well I guess they’re saying they want you to confirm the repair before shipping it to them. I can kind of understand this request, since they’re paying for the pickup.

You have the information you need to decide if you want the repair or not, however given the very high cost I’d hold off and keep trying to get them to cover it or consider whether it’s really worth getting repaired at all. I suppose only you can decide this. Maybe you can cut your losses and upgrade?
I had a similar issue with my mbp just recently (noticed small scratches on the display). The first Apple tech I spoke with told me I would have to pay out of pocket to get it repaired since it was cosmetic. I showed it to a tech friend of mine and he said it looked like my screen also had a dead pixel on it (idk if it actually was a dead pixel or just a puncture on the display). So I took it to a different Apple store and showed them only the dead pixel and they immediately offered to replace the display free of charge. When I got my Mac back I promptly put on a film screen protector to protect the display from future possible scratches and damage.

So what I’d recommend would be carefully checking your Mac for any “dead pixels.” If you find one, show it to an Apple tech and you just may be in luck. Then be sure to find some sort of screen protector for your Mac. If they still won’t fix it, I’d just recommend trying not to look at it when you’re using your Mac. I know it’s difficult not to notice it, but imo replacing the display isn’t worth the $780. You could also still try placing a screen protector on over the scratch and it may be less noticeable.

Whatever happens, best of luck!

If that's a 13" MBP, I WOULD NOT pay $780 to have the screen replaced.

I'd buy a NEW 2020 13" MBP, and sell that one for parts (or keep it as a spare).

Or, wait until Apple starts selling the 2020 13" as a refurbished model, and buy one then.

You might consider waiting until the Apple Store in your area re-opens, and then take it to the genius bar there.

And again -- DON'T be "cleaning" the display very much. You see where that has ended up...
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