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macrumors newbie
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Nov 26, 2017

So, I bought 2017 MacBook Pro 13 Retina Display 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, 2.3 gigahertz, Intel 7th Generation Core i5 from Best Buy for $1,299 before tax. After tax and surcharges, it came out to $1,415.

The thing is that this was a gift to my wife on our anniversary. We both are very frugal and I have been saving for few months to get the laptop on Black Friday. I am yet to collect the laptop from Best Buy but I did share this with her yesterday night (she accidently found out). She is very happy but at the same time she is not ready to move to such an "expensive" system. And, when I told her that I would be taking Apple Care (or similar) later in the year, it just added to her doubt of the purchase.

We both love each other and she understands that we don’t really need this system. I bought it for her, I know she wouldn’t go beyond checking emails, browsing internet, watching Netflix, playing basic games, storing music files, and using word/excel etc. I could have bought MacBook Air but I really like the screen resolution, retina display and the fact the CPU cycle was better in Pro. Even though this a gift to her, we both know that I would use it as well (for same purpose mentioned above) but we won't create different login ID's.

She did a search yesterday night and was able to find other Windows laptops with same or even better configuration. I think she may have found a 12 GB, 512 GB SSD, i7 7 generation Leveno Flex for under $900.

My question is, for the type of work we need to do with the laptop, is it financially justifiable to get this machine or am I better off with a Windows PC? She is a very rational person and I can make the argument of "quality" vs "quantity" and more "stability and reliability" with Mac with her and she will buy it but I don’t want to lie to her. Her thought is that if the additional $500 spent on MacBook is pure luxury then our family doesn't need it and I kind of agree with her.

I am hoping I can get some response here to make a decision. This is a big financial decision for someone like me. It seems I am mixing "emotions" with "reality".


So, I bought 2017 MacBook Pro 13 Retina Display 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, 2.3 gigahertz, Intel 7th Generation Core i5 from Best Buy for $1,299 before tax. After tax and surcharges, it came out to $1,415.

The thing is that this was a gift to my wife on our anniversary. We both are very frugal and I have been saving for few months to get the laptop on Black Friday. I am yet to collect the laptop from Best Buy but I did share this with her yesterday night (she accidently found out). She is very happy but at the same time she is not ready to move to such an "expensive" system. And, when I told her that I would be taking Apple Care (or similar) later in the year, it just added to her doubt of the purchase.

We both love each other and she understands that we don’t really need this system. I bought it for her, I know she wouldn’t go beyond checking emails, browsing internet, watching Netflix, playing basic games, storing music files, and using word/excel etc. I could have bought MacBook Air but I really like the screen resolution, retina display and the fact the CPU cycle was better in Pro. Even though this a gift to her, we both know that I would use it as well (for same purpose mentioned above) but we won't create different login ID's.

She did a search yesterday night and was able to find other Windows laptops with same or even better configuration. I think she may have found a 12 GB, 512 GB SSD, i7 7 generation Leveno Flex for under $900.

My question is, for the type of work we need to do with the laptop, is it financially justifiable to get this machine or am I better off with a Windows PC? She is a very rational person and I can make the argument of "quality" vs "quantity" and more "stability and reliability" with Mac with her and she will buy it but I don’t want to lie to her. Her thought is that if the additional $500 spent on MacBook is pure luxury then our family doesn't need it and I kind of agree with her.

I am hoping I can get some response here to make a decision. This is a big financial decision for someone like me. It seems I am mixing "emotions" with "reality".


I am very much in the windows camp but I also enjoy using my MacBook pro. I have a 17 inch ASUS gaming laptop and a 15 inch 2017 Macbook Pro. I find the os in terms of usability for novice users to be so much better on macOS then windows. I find it to just be easier on macOS. That being said I think you get more bang for your buck with a windows laptop and if she doesn't have a preference of the OS nor cares much about the fact customer service is way better with Apple then go with the windows machine. The premium for Apple laptops is worth it IMHO though.

In short I think the MacBook is a better buy because the fact if you have an issue you can just go to the Apple store and get it fixed vs calling Lenovo in your case. Also I just find the OS better if you're not a tech need.
My question is, for the type of work we need to do with the laptop, is it financially justifiable to get this machine or am I better off with a Windows PC?
Given what you posted, I'd say the Lenovo is a better use of your money. Lenovo makes very good machines.

If you're not previously mac people, and your wife is having issues with the price, then definitely go with the Lenovo. Happy wife = happy life ;)
are you windows or Mac users?

this is the real decider I'd think as said above.

Also Agree Lenovo make awesome machine THAT LAST!
Given what you posted, I'd say the Lenovo is a better use of your money. Lenovo makes very good machines.

If you're not previously mac people, and your wife is having issues with the price, then definitely go with the Lenovo. Happy wife = happy life ;)

Meh I disagree lol. The $500 price difference will be made up once they have to call to get it fixed
I still have no issues with my 17 Macbook Pro keyboard. Tbh it's a non issue. It's just a very vocal minority on a tech need forum complaining.
Many other members said the very thing until their keyboards failed on them. I'm not saying its a 100% failure rate, but there's enough people complaining about it here and elsewhere to be concerned.

As for the OP, you're posting on a mac site, so of course the preponderance of posts will be pro-Mac. Nothing wrong with that, but keep that in mind. With the Lenovo you get more computer for less money and Lenovo's quality is quite high.
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Many other members said the very thing until their keyboards failed on them. I'm not saying its a 100% failure rate, but there's enough people complaining about it here and elsewhere to be concerned.

As for the OP, you're posting on a mac site, so of course the preponderance of posts will be pro-Mac. Nothing wrong with that, but keep in mind. With the Lenovo you get more computer for less money and Lenovo's quality is quite high.
My opinion is in general unless you have the general population complaining just go for it. MacRumors is what 0.02% at best of the amount of people who buy Apple products?

I'm no Apple lover and I know this site is Apple centric. Heck I am writing this on my Note 8. Just saying if you value it the Macbook Pro is better because of the fact of the after purchase support and the OS is very simple to use. I think the windows machine is better but it wouldn't be one I would buy. The Dell XPS is a better one imho.
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are you windows or Mac users?

this is the real decider I'd think as said above.

Also Agree Lenovo make awesome machine THAT LAST!

Thank you folks for your responses. This is indeed very helpful to me.

We have never used Mac system before. Always Windows. I just want to point out that we use iPhone. I am still using iPhone 5 and she is using iPhone 6 (which was also a gift to her). We love our iPhone but I understand this may not be relevant point here.

I might go ahead with Lenovo purely for financial reasons but I do know one thing, whenever we are financially able to buy one, she will drive me to Best Buy herself to make the purchase :)
I echo everyone who is recommending you to buy a cheaper Lenovo. However I would like to weigh in on the cost of a Mac. They are very expensive and belong in the nice-to-have category but they also last very long. I bought my 2012 one at a reduced price of £1,400 instead of £1,800 and have had it for 5 years. That gives it an annual cost of £280 and I will probably keep it for another few years as it's still blisteringly quick for browsing, emails, videos and photo editing.

The difference is that I was able to justify the purchase as I using it for extracurricular activities that have aided my careers. The laptop has effectively paid for itself. Would I be able to justify the purchase of new one when I'm no longer doing extra curricular activities? No.

If you really want a Macbook you could always buy a used 2014-2015 model. It will be equally as fast as a 2017 for light usage.
If you've never used Macs before then certainly stick with Windows for now - there are also the software costs to consider when changing to a different platform.

I have three Lenovo laptops I use on a regular basis (consulting work for different organizations) and I can say that in general they are very well build and reliable machines - they are what big business chooses for their corporate consulting teams around the world. However, I have one with keyboard issues, another with Windows 7 that is a pain with some software issues I can't fix, and the third Win10 laptop seems quite stable. Then on the other hand I have my old MacBook Pro 17" 2011 laptop that I love, is totally stable and continues to be a joy to use every day - takes a likkin' but keeps on tickkin'. Will the Lenovo last as long as a MacBook Pro? Who knows. YMMV but Lenovo would be my choice for your situation!
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Made me wonder... :D
You need to keep in mind that Mac is a premium computer line and its going to cost as much as other premium computers, but also give you an experience of a premium computer. You can get a computer with similar (at least on paper) specs, but practical experience (display quality, build quality, battery life, touch and feel etc.) will be very different. So I don't think that one can talk about financial justification here. If you wife is not comfortable with the idea of owning a premium product and values spending as little money as possible over everything else, I don't really see much sense in trying to convince her.
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I would 100% keep it. I develop software for laptops and have many of them from the highest spec'd Macbook Pro 15 2017, Alienware's, HP Spectre X360s, cheap Lenovos

I was actually thinking this in the elevator up this morning prior to reading this thread. There is no better value for money machine out there right now than the Macbook Pro 13 2017 non touchbar base model.

On average, it will last you far longer than a cheap Lenovo, and Apple's to Apple's (excuse the pun). The same CPU in a Mac performs better than a PC.

Keeping it is the prudent thing to do
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I would 100% keep it. I develop software for laptops and have many of them from the highest spec'd Macbook Pro 15 2017, Alienware's, HP Spectre X360s, cheap Lenovos

I was actually thinking this in the elevator up this morning prior to reading this thread. There is no better value for money machine out there right now than the Macbook Pro 13 2017 non touchbar base model.

On average, it will last you far longer than a cheap Lenovo, and Apple's to Apple's (excuse the pun). The same CPU in a Mac performs better than a PC.

Keeping it is the prudent thing to do

Thank you for your response. I think her rationale is that she might get 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-7500U processor, 16 GB RAM and 556 SSD for $900 (Lenovo Flex Laptop) which might run fine for next 5-10 years. In her world, this means, "using the money to get the best bang for her dollars".

I do agree that MacBook has several advantages around stability, battery life, longevity etc. I will talk to her tonight and take a decision. It might go either way. Also, I understand that folks on this forum cannot take a financial decision for me but the posts here have been very helpful.

To be honest, I would hate to return something I wanted to gift her. I am probably validating my decision :)

Thank you!
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The MacBook Pro is pure pure quality. There's nothing like it. Heck, when I worked in radio, we ran a dance radio station 24/7 365 from one 13" MacBook Pro.
I'm typing this on a 2009 MacBook that i've used for business - gets 7 to 8 hours of use a day 7 days a week. It's flawless and dependable and does everything beautifully.
It's bit like driving or buying a Ferrari - of course there'll be people saying buy a cheap Ford Focus. But only one does the same thing in pure grace, style, finesse and creates pleasure.
As a sideline, I used a friend's new Leveno laptop tablet thing and I can tell you that it was the most repulsive thing that i've ever used. Horrible screen, twice the weight of my travel 12" MacBook, clumsy - just horrible. It made be realise how much we take Apple and their design for granted!
You get what you pay for. Life is short, buy her something classy. Get the MacBook Pro. In 5 years from now, you'll still be loving it.
Your usage case is unremarkable and pedestrian, nothing that would justify the purchase of a brand new MacBook Pro. A four year old MacBook Air would be able to handle all the tasks you list.

If you are still considering a Mac, go look at the refurbished retina MacBooks and MacBook Airs at (the link to the refurbs is at the bottom of the page). A 2017 MacBook has roughly the same performance as a 2013 MacBook Air.

If price (and a happy wife) is the ultimate factor, stick with Lenovo for the time being.
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Thank you for your response. I think her rationale is that she might get 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-7500U processor, 16 GB RAM and 556 SSD for $900 (Lenovo Flex Laptop) which might run fine for next 5-10 years. In her world, this means, "using the money to get the best bang for her dollars".

I do agree that MacBook has several advantages around stability, battery life, longevity etc. I will talk to her tonight and take a decision. It might go either way. Also, I understand that folks on this forum cannot take a financial decision for me but the posts here have been very helpful.

To be honest, I would hate to return something I wanted to gift her. I am probably validating my decision :)

Thank you!

NO WAY! A Windows 'thing' will not last up to 10 years! There's no such thing as the best bang for your money. There's quality and there's cr*p and sadly most Windows are just that. Don't compare Windows RAM and specs with Mac OS.
900 dollars for something of that spec with SSD screams cheap components to me. THere's no way that will last over time. C'mon man, teach her about quality, design and attention to detail! If something is cheap it's because, it is cheap!!! There's no such thing as a generous fat CEO. Their heart and soul wants money and nothing else. They are not being kind by making something cheap. It IS cheap! - to make!!!
only thing of note is the Lenovo is using an I7u CPU.
the u is usually low power and have small cooling systems as u processors generate less heat.

the MacBook Pro has the 7820HQ cpu.

I seen some i3u windows laptops in for repair at work which are passive cooled super thin laptops.

once taken apart the motherboard looks like a tablet motherboard.
Thank you for your response. I think her rationale is that she might get 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-7500U processor, 16 GB RAM and 556 SSD for $900 (Lenovo Flex Laptop) which might run fine for next 5-10 years. In her world, this means, "using the money to get the best bang for her dollars".

I do agree that MacBook has several advantages around stability, battery life, longevity etc. I will talk to her tonight and take a decision. It might go either way. Also, I understand that folks on this forum cannot take a financial decision for me but the posts here have been very helpful.

To be honest, I would hate to return something I wanted to gift her. I am probably validating my decision :)

Thank you!

Having a lot of specs you don’t need is pointless it won’t make the machine last any longer for you, almost any computer made in the last few years would be able to perform that use case with a fair amount of aplomb for years to come.

However macs are a joy to use and that makes them far more useful to me than any other computer, because wanting to use something, rather than tolerating it as I often am on a windows computer, is the way to get the most out of your money if you ask me.

Also take a look at the reviews on the flex it’s not looking the best even at that price.
You are going to get the standard comments about the eco system thing, future proof thing, etc., but if your concern is mainly to make the best financial decision, Apple products by default will cost more. They make great products, the convenience of visiting the Genius Bar and having the product repaired or replaced on the spot, is just one example.

Yet if you are only using the computer for simple email and browsing duties, a PC would be just fine. It all depends on what is important. Both can play Netflix movies, etc. both can handle music, although i do not personally like iTunes or Photos.

I have two MacBook Airs that I have no reason to replace. They work great, but there are cheaper alternatives if that is your concern.
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Your purchase sounds more like a want than need and thats perfectly fine. My MacBook Pro 13 Early 2015 was a more want than need. I own several Windows computers: HP Z210 workstation, Surface Pro 3, HP Elitebook 8460p (ssd dead right now) and a Acer Aspire I'm using right now; all of them are used in some way, but there is something I love about my Mac so much and using macOS. I write for a living and I enjoy writing on it and editing screenshots. When you do things like selecting a group of photos, it automatically offers to put all my photos in a folder and I can name it at the same time.

Nothing logical like that exists in Windows. Also, there is a playfulness to the user interface, its not as dead wood, get to the point as Windows. I notice performance of the MacBook Pro is particularly impressive. Its a Core i5 2.7 GHz, 8 GBs of RAM. I can run a couple Windows VMs while still getting work done in the host OS, apps like Word, Firefox, Safari open and it just doesn't slow down. I can't even do that on my XEON. The integration with my iPhone is superb and seamless. Microsoft is doing some catch up in this area, but sometimes when I connect my iPhone to Windows, its connect and pray.

That all said, your wife is being practical and at the end of the day, if its all about the basics for her, she is right to refuse it. I could honestly live without the Mac, but at the same time, I am happy to own and use one. To be honest, the way I look at it, all my future computer purchases will be Macs only. Windows 10 in my honest opinion is getting worst, whether you purchase and install it or get it preinstalled on a new computer.

Right now, these are the issues many users I support are dealing with in the Fall creators update:
Display drivers failing, Audio, Apps not working, broken user profiles, buggy cumulative updates, Edge working only sometimes, Network adapters failing or can't connect to wireless networks, Mobile hotspot buggy, backup buggy or not working, File Explorer performance.
Thank you for your response. I think her rationale is that she might get 2.7GHz Intel Core i7-7500U processor, 16 GB RAM and 556 SSD for $900 (Lenovo Flex Laptop) which might run fine for next 5-10 years. In her world, this means, "using the money to get the best bang for her dollars".

If she wants to minimise her investment into a computer, there are certainly better ways to spend you money than a Lenovo Flex ;)
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