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If you want to be sure something hasn't already been mentioned, the forum has a very quick and convenient search feature. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the top right of the screen and type a word or 2. It's quicker than posting a redundant message o_O
Screenshot of Google Chrome (9-27-16, 2-03-21 PM).png
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the forum has a very quick and convenient search feature.

Often convenient, however it does fail in cases such as this – seeking within the title (please see the screenshot below) – so thank you for providing the link.

Also: first and foremost in the promotion that I received – The Book of Plex, Volume III: Plex Cloud | Plex (captured in the Wayback Machine) – there's a photograph of an Apple notebook without iOS, so I'm not sure why MacRumors chose to write about it in the iOS Blog.

In any case, I'll flag this topic for closure. Thanks.

just the one.png
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When did you get those results for the plex cloud search? Do you get the same results now?

I ask because I just did a search and got 20 pages of results.
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