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Should apple keep the 3.5mm headphone jack on the iPhone 7 this September "Yes" Or "No"

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 59.4%
  • No

    Votes: 39 40.6%

  • Total voters


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Sep 16, 2012
North Wales

Should apple keep the 3.5mm headphone jack on the "iPhone 7" this September 2016 "Yes" or "No"

appreciate you voting, thanks deany


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2014
If it means their iPhone is a flop, and their share price tanks ... then no thanks.
If it means the company is being run by clueless people ... then no thanks.
Going to skip this one, thanks. Somebody needs to get fired.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
What reason for ANOTHER poll. Apple has already made the choice for us.

No point to a poll...Apple already decided on this whether you like it or not.

This poll is redundant given that there's at least one other one already, but I don't think that it is meant to sway Apple one way or the other. Nothing wrong with wanting to know how other users feel. It's no different than having a poll about which colour people prefer.
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macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Many people here know I'm a proponent of keeping the headphone port.

However my response question to that question is "What will it offer without it?".

If nothing, then I feel they should keep it. If its something I feel worthy of its omission then ditch it. Easy as that.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
Many people here know I'm a proponent of keeping the headphone port.

However my response question to that question is "What will it offer without it?".

If nothing, then I feel they should keep it. If its something I feel worthy of its omission then ditch it. Easy as that.

That's how I feel as well. For the better part of a year it seems I have been asking those who want to lose the jack what the benefit will be. In all this time I only get the following three responses:

1. The headphone jack is "old tech" and it's time to move on.

My thoughts: The "new tech" of lightning audio and wireless audio are already supported by current iPhones and obviously don't need the removal of the headphone jack to implement. Therefore, this is not a gain by any definition.

2. It will make the phone thinner.

My thoughts: In spite of Apple's apparent obsession, increased thinness seems to be the last thing that anyone thinks the iPhone needs! They've gotten so thin already that they needed stronger aluminum to keep them from bending!

3. It will allow the phone to be waterproof.

My thoughts: Putting aside my personal indifference regarding waterproofing (sure, it's a great feature to have and I'll gladly accept it, but I've never had a phone suffer water damage and I personally have no need to use my phone in situations where it's likely to), other manufacturers have managed to achieve impressive water resistance while maintaining a headphone jack, so why can't Apple?
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2007
Lost in Space
So, don't go swimming with my big deal.

Thin has become an Ive obsession...I agree with others regarding battery life.

There is no Apple people that can clearly state that the headphone jack is obsolete as Steve could do. The current team lacks the ability to convince the loyal that everything is OK. Apple will continue to 'wow' the uniformed consumer.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
That's how I feel as well. For the better part of a year it seems I have been asking those who want to lose the jack what the benefit will be. In all this time I only get the following three responses:

1. The headphone jack is "old tech" and it's time to move on.

My thoughts: The "new tech" of lightning audio and wireless audio are already supported by current iPhones and obviously don't need the removal of the headphone jack to implement. Therefore, this is not a gain by any definition.

2. It will make the phone thinner.

My thoughts: In spite of Apple's apparent obsession, increased thinness seems to be the last thing that anyone thinks the iPhone needs! They've gotten so thin already that they needed stronger aluminum to keep them from bending!

3. It will allow the phone to be waterproof.

My thoughts: Putting aside my personal indifference regarding waterproofing (sure, it's a great feature to have and I'll gladly accept it, but I've never had a phone suffer water damage and I personally have no need to use my phone in situations where it's likely to), other manufacturers have managed to achieve impressive water resistance while maintaining a headphone jack, so why can't Apple?

I agree with your thoughts on those topics however I feel they can be interrupted as subjective. This is my hopefully more objective view on those same three points.

1. Its not old "tech" its merely a connection that offers nothing more then a connection. That connection will still exist with Lightning headphones it will just be after the DAC so in the new lightning cord or soldered in the headphones themselves. A wire is a wire.

2. Other phones have been thinner without removing it.

3. Other phones (like you mentioned) have had a high(er) level of water resistance without removing it.

In the end I'm actually past caring. This topic has gotten old for me and although I don't particularly care for the statement because its side tracks the conversation like a child saying "who cares" but Apple is going to do what they are going to do and my opinion on the matter makes virtually no difference. PLUS until it its announced this all speculation and without know what is going to be in its place, whether it will include an adapter, whether its going to actually happen or not, etc etc etc its relatively pointless debate.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 12, 2015
That's how I feel as well. For the better part of a year it seems I have been asking those who want to lose the jack what the benefit will be. In all this time I only get the following three responses:

1. The headphone jack is "old tech" and it's time to move on.

My thoughts: The "new tech" of lightning audio and wireless audio are already supported by current iPhones and obviously don't need the removal of the headphone jack to implement. Therefore, this is not a gain by any definition.

2. It will make the phone thinner.

My thoughts: In spite of Apple's apparent obsession, increased thinness seems to be the last thing that anyone thinks the iPhone needs! They've gotten so thin already that they needed stronger aluminum to keep them from bending!

3. It will allow the phone to be waterproof.

My thoughts: Putting aside my personal indifference regarding waterproofing (sure, it's a great feature to have and I'll gladly accept it, but I've never had a phone suffer water damage and I personally have no need to use my phone in situations where it's likely to), other manufacturers have managed to achieve impressive water resistance while maintaining a headphone jack, so why can't Apple?
Yes, you don't need to remove the 3.5mm for lighting. But it's redundant therefore should be removed for sake of clarity and simplicity.

Yes no one needs a thinner phone but a thinner phone also means a lighter phone. And I want a lighter phone for the sake of my wrists.

As for water resistance, a lot of manufacturers claim water resistance under a specific set of conditions. Ie having plugs in the headphone jack. The notable exception being the s6.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
Yes, you don't need to remove the 3.5mm for lighting. But it's redundant therefore should be removed for sake of clarity and simplicity.

Yes no one needs a thinner phone but a thinner phone also means a lighter phone. And I want a lighter phone for the sake of my wrists.

As for water resistance, a lot of manufacturers claim water resistance under a specific set of conditions. Ie having plugs in the headphone jack. The notable exception being the s6.

It's not redundant if it still serves a purpose, such as maintaining compatibility with the millions of headphones and earbuds currently on the market.

And are you honestly telling me that weight of an iPhone is putting strain on your wrist?


macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
Honestly I don't care if they keep it or get rid of it. I'm sure I could find some good Bluetooth headphones if needed. Or I could keep using the headphones I've got. I'm sure a lightning to 3.5mm adapter will exist and that will take care of most issues(yes, I understand that nobody likes adapters).


macrumors 6502a
Mar 12, 2015
It's not redundant if it still serves a purpose, such as maintaining compatibility with the millions of headphones and earbuds currently on the market.

And are you honestly telling me that weight of an iPhone is putting strain on your wrist?
That's what's called legacy.

Do you have an infirmity or are you that lazy?

Inquiring minds would like to know...

It's just puts a strain on my wrist because I hold on to it for long periods of time.


macrumors 604
Sep 7, 2010
It's just puts a strain on my wrist because I hold on to it for long periods of time.

That may have more to do with the position that your wrist is in for a prolonged period of time, and therefore decreasing the weight of the device won't do much to help.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
IPhone 6s Plus will be the last iPhone I have bought if Apple removes headphone jack, rush to wireless EarPods, while provides no viable solution to solve the problem of allowing users to use old 3.5 mm headphones.
Hmm, we can still say "if" at this time point. But after September, decision will be made to either stop buying more iPhone or continue.
I am and will always be the one who against this change in a strong stance. I fail to find any valuable reason to remove this headphone jack, even for the sake of waterproof.
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