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Do you think Apple should keep Dashboard, or kill it?

  • Keep it

    Votes: 49 55.1%
  • Care not one way or the other

    Votes: 13 14.6%
  • Kill it

    Votes: 27 30.3%
  • What's Dashboard?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Micky Do

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 31, 2012
a South Pacific island
Dashboard has been disabled by default in the latest beta of El Capitan. It has generated quite a bit of discussion in a blog thread, and opinion seems quite sharply divided.

Dashboard is still there, but it needs to be turned on if you want to use it. There are those, like me, who use it frequently, every day, and would not like to see it go. There are those who regard it as an abomination that they would gladly see gone.

What do you think? Where do you stand?
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macrumors newbie
Nov 6, 2010
It's Grim Up North
I thought it had died already. I've never cared for it, it seems very clunky and un-apple like. I have tried to make use of it in the past but never found any of the widgets very useful.

Which widgets do you use?


macrumors 68030
Apr 13, 2011
I've always liked desk accessories. They do little semi-frequent jobs quickly and conveniently, and generally stay out of the way at other times.
There's always been a place for such little utility apps, and likely always will be.
Making them harder to access is doing no one any favors.

-Yes, I know they're call dashboard widgets now, but they've been with us since 1984, and "notifications" widgies look like they'll never get to the point of replacing full dashboard functionality.

Micky Do

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 31, 2012
a South Pacific island
I thought it had died already. I've never cared for it, it seems very clunky and un-apple like. I have tried to make use of it in the past but never found any of the widgets very useful.

Which widgets do you use?

I can quickly access Dashboard with a click on the scroll wheel of a Logitech mouse; the Apple mouse has no equivalent trick as far as I know. I frequently use:

Clock, several set to different time zones.

Sun Clock, which tracks night and day throughout the world, adjusting as the diurnal cycle changes throughout the year.

Calendar, to quickly check on dates for future planning.

Unit Converter, most frequently to check exchange rates, but also other conversions….. Especially between metric measurements used by most of the world, and the units used by the USA, which are often different from the Imperial units I grew up with, and were used by many countries in pre metric days.

Phantom Gorilla, to stream BBC radio stations.

iTunes timer, to put the computer to sleep half an hour or so after I go to bed, often listening to one of above mentioned BBC radio stations.

iStats to monitor the status of my HDD. Still on the original 120 GB, it can fill up quickly with photos over the course of a local cricket league season, before I delete many, and archive the rest on an external HDD.

And others from time to time.

I would use Tides if it had local information available. In Thailand it only has Satahip, in the Gulf of Siam, far from the Andaman Coast, where I am at. Back home in NZ it will be more useful, with coverage of many places.

Haven't checked recently, but App Store has many widgets available (some free, others for a fee) which would be applicable to different situations.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011
I've always loved Dashboard. I've used it as a dedicated space to organize a few webcams and views of data, like a custom control panel. It has a lovely feeling to it. So, I feel like it's a little bittersweet to suppose it might be cut eventually, but I'm glad they've continued to retain it as an optional feature. No harm done, right? Especially if it can be disabled for those who don't want it sort of looming off to the side.

Micky Do

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 31, 2012
a South Pacific island

I use equivalents of most of those widgets you're using as apps on my iPhone, personally I find it easier because my phone's at hand most of the time.

Point taken, that many folks do keep a smart phone handy nowadays, but…..

I don't have an iPhone, and seldom carry a mobile phone of any description. A Mac Mini is about my only concession to the 21st century; even my ride, a small motorcycle, is pre millennial. I may be in the minority these days, but I like it to be off line when I leave my desk.
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Jul 11, 2006
I use it a bit, mostly to have clocks showing the time in a few different places where I talk to people, and to have some sticky notes on. I'd like them to keep it, but I'd survive if they cut it.
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macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2004
Catskill Mountains
I like having the dashboard as exactly that, a big ol' dashboard to glance at only when I want to look at what I keep there. Weather, some clocks from other time zones, at-a-glance calendar, two or three sticky notes, a few simple apps for conversion, arithmetic. I've often found the Web Clip widget very useful for refreshing items of temporary interest when I'd not bother to hit a bookmark or launch a browser for them

A swipe and another swipe back seem just a tad less bothersome to me than the other key combos or gestures needed to unbury Numbers, launch a big calculator when the dashboard one will do, punch up a browser bookmark, fish out a tiny reference document, etc.

I could live without it; not sure why some would consider it such a burden to disable or enable it as an option in the OS though. Options are the spice of life!

I wish we had the option to banish certain of the standard suite of Apple apps to invisibility, actually, instead of having to banish them to a blank page at the end of our iOS device apps, or remove them from the dock and tinker with "Open with..." defaults for various document types. Start a poll on that and give the El Capitan feature debaters something to sink their teeth into. :p


macrumors 68000
Nov 5, 2004
I use it often. I run it as an overlay and use the Dashboard icon on my dock to bring it up.

The most common use for me is to quickly bring up local weather radar. It is faster than bringing up a bookmark or pulling out my phone. The next most common use is iStat Pro which I use to quickly see temperatures and fan speeds throughout the system. The other widgets I use are stocks, translate, unit conversion, sports scores, and weather.

All of the information I get from these widgets can be easily obtained from other sources but none are a simple as a mouse click to view and a second mouse click to dismiss.
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macrumors newbie
May 5, 2012
I have 9 clock widgets (for different cities, ordered from west to east), weather for 3 cities, calendar, 2 apple translation widget, a third party translation widget, currency converter, the Wolfram Alpha widget, widget and
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Micky Do

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 31, 2012
a South Pacific island
Just over two days in and 39 votes……

Keepers now outnumber Killers by two to one @ 53.8% and 25.6% respectively.
The balance don't care either way.


macrumors member
Nov 16, 2013
I voted "kill it" even though I did like and use it for some time. But it has been quite clear no development or upkeep was happening any more, and I got the feeling the dashboard was living on borrowed time. So they might as well kill it.

What did I replace it with?
  • Calculator: notification centre
  • Weather: notification centre
  • Sticky notes: iNotes
Having said that, I absolutely dislike the notification centre on both my Mac and my iPad, but I feel we are being pushed towards using it. It is too impractical and features silly limitations. A text-based summary at the top instead of icons? Two tabs that cannot be shown at the same time? It's one of the silliest things I've ever seen.


macrumors member
Nov 16, 2013
Sillier even than Spotlight, with it's pop up right where it covers everything, and go away at a single click anywhere else behavior?
Actually, Spotlight doesn't bother me at all. I hardly use it anyway, and it's just fine for my usage when I do need it.
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