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Which iPhone 11 Color is Your Favorite?

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Red. I always loved the Product Red iPhones although I wish they would have kept the same shade of red and not with a lighter version this time but still think its the best looking followed by black.

Looks more pink this time around :-/

I tried finding the MacRumors thread on emasculating colors for laughs, but to no avail.
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I didn't vote because I don't have a favorite. I like several for different reasons. I own the black, and it looks fab peeking out of my cheetah print Loopy case. The white is such a pretty white - my XR was white, and one of my daughters has the white 11. The purple is REALLY pretty. Another of my daughters has it, and it was a lot prettier than I expected. My son has the red. Although I preferred the red of the XR, I still think the red 11 is sharp.

I like the yellow in person too. The only one I'm not a big fan of is the green. It's just not the best green.
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The only colors that do anything for me are Black, White, and Red.

Black/White are the classic iPhone colors, since the 3G.

Out of those two, I think I'd go with White because it shows fingerprints less easily, and the bezel is still black. I do notice that the White this year is a bit more of a cream color, and not as pure White. The white on the 3G and the XR was really white.

The other colors are too pastel. Reminds me of the iPod nano 3rd generation colors, even the Product Red is similar, but I do like that one. The rest don't do anything for me.
I love my Pro Max Midnight Green!
This is the best color so far. If that dark blue is true for the new iPhones, it will be on par with my PM green
Red. I think I would’ve voted Purple if it was more of a saturated purple and not a washed out one.
Wow, my favorite color, yellow is the least popular according to this poll, lol

I have the iPhone 11 in Yellow and I love it so much!
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the pastel shades but I do like the red with green being a very close second. My son has green and I like that shade a lot more after seeing it in person than I thought I would after only seeing it online.
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💚 Green (mint; non-Pro) 💚 I took a bit of a risk buying it because my friends thought I'd regret getting anything other than black, but I absolutely love it! And so do they! Big props to Apple for taking some risks with their colour choices.
white or black goes with every outfit and/or case, but personally I prefer white.

purple/yellow/green/red are all pretty too but too bold.. and they don’t match everything.
I came very close to going for the Green but realised I’d get sick of it once the novelty went off. Ended up going for white which is more timeless. I love the clean white look, much more than the silver on my 8. I don’t like black phones so it’s pretty much always White/Silver for me on any iphone. Except my 2016 SE which was gold.
I'm basing this on the colors shown at Apple's website.
My vote is for yellow. Second is black.
I really like the XR Red, but on the 11, the red has a different shade, and it just threw me off.
If I got one, it would be Black or White since the actual colors are too pastely for me. Even my wife didn't like the purple and that is her favorite color.
When I got my iPhone 11 I got a Product Red since I’ve always wanted one, I’ll probably get another one when I get a new one.
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