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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 22, 2006
Chandler, AZ
Hello all, I haven't posted in ages but I'm having this problem and I knew where to
Anyways. I have a Early 2015 MacBook. As the title states I am experiencing extremely poor wifi speeds as well as signal. I'm not sure if its my MacBook, which is running BETA(!) software, the latest one. Or if its my Airport Extreme, which is pretty old. Could it just be that the router has run its life and I need to purchase a new one? Or is anyone else having this problem on their MacBook's? I'm not sure which one to lean on because range wise I have a hard time getting a good signal on my patio, and my house is only 1200sq feet AND I have an Airport Express as a range extender. The range is that bad, dead zones all over the house. The positioning of the Airport Express isn't in the best spot but it has to stay there due to the cable line being there. Its close to the floor and in the corner of a bedroom. Any ideas?

Thanks ahead of time!
Do you have any other wifi devices so you can check to see if the problem is the Mac or the AE? How about an iPhone or an iPad?
Do you have any other wifi devices so you can check to see if the problem is the Mac or the AE? How about an iPhone or an iPad?
I have LOTS of devices connected to our home network. Four Apple TV's, Printer, two iPhones, Late 2012 iMac, iPad, and my MacBook. Speed wise, I'm not 100% sure. I mean the Apple TV's never freeze up or buffer. The iPhones however barely pickup a signal while sitting on the patio. My MacBook hits dead zones all over the house unless I am in the bedroom where the router is. I'm kind of leaning on my MacBook at this point??? I am running Apple's Beta software, could that be it?
Maybe is you "upgraded" something might have gone wrong in the Network settings! Open System Preferences->Network pane and at the top of the Network pane for 'Location' pull down mane a custom named Location like 'Home' or 'Upstairs' or something. Then click the "Apply" button to save that new Location!

Also in your Extreme make the name the AC 5Ghz range a slightly different SSID name from your other lower output name. See if this also helps!
Maybe is you "upgraded" something might have gone wrong in the Network settings! Open System Preferences->Network pane and at the top of the Network pane for 'Location' pull down mane a custom named Location like 'Home' or 'Upstairs' or something. Then click the "Apply" button to save that new Location!

Also in your Extreme make the name the AC 5Ghz range a slightly different SSID name from your other lower output name. See if this also helps!
Giving that a try now. Thank you, sorry for the delay in response!
Where in your bedroom do you have the AE? Try moving it to a different spot in the room.
Also, was your house built in the 50's or before? What happens if you remove everything from the network and then connect just one item? Does the speed increase along with the connectivity throughout the house?
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