I'm not a huge user of forums so I'm not sure if this question should go here or elsewhere. Apologies in advance. I'm at a crossroads and thought I'd throw this out there. My parents have a Mac Mini that dates back to 2010. It is becoming incredibly slow so it's time to put a bullet in it. I bought myself a 27" iMac this past February so it's the late 2015 specs. What I plan on doing is giving them my iMac but here's where the questions come in. Apple is set to release the iMac Pro in December. I assume they'll make an announcement as usual because they are due to release the HomePod as well. I am wondering if they'll change the internal specs of the iMac at that time? I realize this is a speculation type question - the kind that Apple despises - but I think it's a valid concern. They released the current MacBook Pro November 2016 then changed the internal specs June 2017. I know there's also talk of the iMac being completely redesigned in 2018 but I don't care about that. This purchase needs to happen before year end for tax reasons. I'm not an entirely patient person when I decide to do something. At the same time, I can't jump head first into a purchase as I have to research the heck out of something. It's only November 6th and I have no idea when they'll make that announcement in December. My thought is that the iMacs are already on 7th generation processors so there isn't much they can do... or is there? I don't keep up with processor specs.
So... any speculation thoughts out there? If anyone is going to ask "what do you use your systems for" the answer is nothing too much anymore. I used to do video editing but left the business 6 years ago. I might do some work again since this concept of VR is intriguing. My biggest goal when I buy is longevity. Power it up now and make it last as long as it can. My current MacBook Pro is a mid 2010 and still is able to accomplish a few things, although, it will need to be replaced soon. That's a whole other topic. Thanks.
So... any speculation thoughts out there? If anyone is going to ask "what do you use your systems for" the answer is nothing too much anymore. I used to do video editing but left the business 6 years ago. I might do some work again since this concept of VR is intriguing. My biggest goal when I buy is longevity. Power it up now and make it last as long as it can. My current MacBook Pro is a mid 2010 and still is able to accomplish a few things, although, it will need to be replaced soon. That's a whole other topic. Thanks.