Apparently you can pre-order at Staples for a 19th November delivery date: (thanks to rdcamero in the iPad Accessories forum)
Just a heads up that I preordered from Staples earlier today, and the order confirmation email is actually showing an estimated delivery date of November 23rd. You also can't cancel the order once it's placed, apparently, even for a preorder! I'm not thrilled about this, as I expected that I'd be able to cancel if I secured one in person before the order shipped.
I have an apple delivery date of 11/19 I guess I an just lucky.Nice. November 23 is still better than December 16-22 from Apple. However, my confirmation e-mail says expected delivery is November 19th. I'm picking up my iPad Pro on November 20th while I'm in Portland, so it would be nice if the 19th delivery date holds.