Having a good GPU is not about having a gaming machine, it's about machine which is able to have a good life time and do the demanding things pretty well for 4-5 years at least, Apple is selling trash instead of GPU and wants us to buy a new machine every 2 years .. Honestly buying a mobile GPU in iMac is the worst enough, we do not need the worst mobile GPU added to that ( Intel and AMD ) because Apple wants to milk all of us!
I have been an Apple user for a long time, I like the way MacOS functions,I do not believe after 7 years I can even work with anything other then Safari internetwise,there are many things which keeps me in on using Macintosh machine(OS related), but I'm tired of Apple selling trash instead of good quality hardware.
Gaming machine? You forgot video editors need a good GPU! do not go on and say""Final Cut Pro works better than Adobe P and AE on better hardwares "" Not everyone's choice of work is Final Cut pro! Apple Motion is a piece of trash outdated software which doesn't do any of those fancy new things which AE can do, thats an absurd discussion! GET REAL!
Apple problem with Nvidia is just the price, they pay nothing for hardware and look for companies that sell them trash and provide that need of theirs then they come and charge us load of money for the worst GPU or worst RAM..Apple uses HHD 5400RPM in high end super expensive machines STILL! Greedy and filthy thats what Apple is!
All you rich kids and fanboys gonna attack me and use your twisted logic,I buy a machine to provide my needs not to be a blinded fanboy !
I hate windows but I am really considering to switch and buy a PC!
All Apple does is iPhone and tablets..Because they can sell even worst hardwares with more expensive prices which requires to get upgraded every few months or a year because the person who has it want to show it off! Just money thats all they can understand!