Looking to scoop a MacBook pro 13" retina 2015 for a reasonable cost, does any place still sell these? I was lucky enough to get a 15" 2015 last year from micro center but seems they don't carry anymore.
What's my best bet?
B&H had two of the 2015 13” models as of a couple of days ago—the 2.7,16GB, 256 was on sale for $1249,but that deal may have ended. They also had the 2.9,16GB, 512 for $1899. These were new, with full Apple warranty.
It’s on there website right now. Thinking about the 2.7 is $1249 a good deal compared to what apple normally sells it
For on their refurbished website?
Apple refurb price for it is $1269, plus sales tax.