Very cool I will check that site myself in detail, my quick glance shows it is very interesting.Another wallpaper from Backiee. I'm starting to visit that site every couple days just to see what's new on there, because there's always something new and cool!
View attachment 2201082
Love the Star Trek look, where did you get it?
I made it myselfLove the Star Trek look, where did you get it?
Another wallpaper from Backiee. I'm starting to visit that site every couple days just to see what's new on there, because there's always something new and cool!
View attachment 2201082
Absolutely!! could you please post a link to this wallpaper? I cannot seem to find this particular one. Thanks.
That image (without your recoloring) came up in one of my Google image searches the other day…View attachment 2198883
The M2 MacBook Air 'Motion' wallpaper, but recoloured to match my Gold M1 MacBook Air
I don't think I've posted in one of these threads in over a decade now, or close to it anyway.
Regardless, in celebration of purchasing my first brand new Mac since 2006, here we are.View attachment 2208155