In space - what a thrill. Mountain Lion wallpaper - upped a little and done thing to I shall not mention here. Near fresh macOS Big Sur installation.
Am I even doing anything? Yes, just setting up all the stuff. I hate macOS security dialogs for screen recording / accessibility access / input monitoring / full disk access etc.
Ever tried setting up all your applications and then have to respond to 500 dialogues about all things and everything? You should try. Affinity Photo needs to record your screen before you can even pick a color off your monitor - WHAT the actual hell. And then some applications like Discord even has to relaunch just to work properly.
It's still miles better than what Windows 10 offers - because I've been there 2 days ago. What a show that was.
Upgraded to Big Sur from Mojave (as I now used a dedicated 2011 13" MBP for VirtualDJ 7 which is a 32bit app and only ran up to Mojave)
Some galaxy wallpaper, it has that old Mac OS X retro vibe I like.
Hee is another space desktop - the North American content from space at night. Here is a link to a high resolution copy (4929 x 2080) that I down-scaled for my 3440 x 1440 monitor:
It's NFL season again, so I'm going through yet another theme for this year. Each week, the wallpaper will change. This is the first one for this season. For any and all Bucs fans out there, I hope you enjoy!