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How things used to be. Just running plain old stereo now with what were the rear speakers, my DM303s.





Not like that any more, most of that gear's in the studio. The front speakers are now rear speakers...
That is so cool. How did you hook the mini up to your TV?
Most HD TV's have at least one DVI, VGA (or HDMI) port, and, if not, there are adapters for S-video or even, God forbid, composite video.
Let the wiener measuring begin. :rolleyes:
Well, we did have that "Post Your Penis Next To a Yardstick" thread, but it was deleted for some reason, so we're stuck with this sort of stuff.
If I post mine you'll all get jealous and hate me lol. :D

How about I just post specs instead?

Dedicated theater room with oak double doors.
Yamaha 2700 7.1 AV receiver
Sony Ruby 1080P projector
110" screen
HD-DVD player
Upconverting yamaha DVD player
Xbox 360
I am currently camera-less, so these are the only old, small, crappy pictures of my setup. I'm just using an unfinished room in the basement with a projector and surround sound. The screen is 8 feet wide.

OK, here's mine... posted it before, but not all in one place. Bear in mind that much of this equipment is SIX years old... it was state-of-the-art when bought and still kicks ass.

Runco PL-50c 50" plasma TV
M&K 750THX 6.1 speakers (6 speakers + subwoofer)
Sony 400 DVD changer + Sony LocationFree TV base station
B&K AVR-307 AV receiver
Sony DVP-S9000ES reference DVD player
Runco controller box (recently replaced with a Zektor HDS 4.1 component switching box)
Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300HD HD DVR cable box
Mitsubishi S-video VCR (kept only for emergencies... I have no VHS tapes)
Roku PhotoBridge
Monster power controller
Xbox 360
Panja Viewpoint remote control system



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OK, here's mine...

so i want to know your secret of how you keep your bass up and not knocking over all your Chihulys :p ;)
i assume u didn't install this all yourself.. you had a professional do it...right... cause i could never be able to assembe all of those wires :eek:
so i want to know your secret of how you keep your bass down and not knocking over all your Chihulys :p ;)
Well, the tall Chihuly is glued down, as are the Blomdahls on stands and the Littleton. The other works are pretty stable... but I don't crank up my bass too high to begin with. Living in a condo means you have to respect your neighbors and you can't make their ceilings vibrate too much. :)

The wiring was installed professionally, as was the rack for the AV equipment. All the rest of that is me.
Well, the tall Chihuly is glued down, as are the Blomdahls on stands and the Littleton. The other works are pretty stable... but I don't crank up my bass too high to begin with. Living in a condo means you have to respect your neighbors and you can't make their ceilings vibrate too much. :)

The wiring was installed professionally, as was the rack for the AV equipment. All the rest of that is me.

ahh the power of glue...
good job with the rest... i would have done it all professionally cause me and tools don't mix :p
20" Viewsonic VX2025wm Widscreen LCD
20" Insignia HDTV LCD (Cheapo but its good!)
KRK Rokit-RP8 Reference Speakers
Logitech X-530 Speakers
JBL Eon10 G2 Monitoring Speaker
Playstation 2 slim
Mac Mini 1.42ghz G4
Powerbook 1.5ghz G4
Three Technics 1200 MK2 Turntables
Pioneer DJM500 Mixer
Finalscratch 2
and an ugly floor! :)


ClayJ will you adopt me please? I know i'm 34 and married but have such purdy things :)
:D :D

I would post pics of the surround sound set up in my studio, but I cba

There are pictures in my Picasaweb (see below)...
Here is my contribution to this thread:

Stuff of note:
76" widescreen
DLP Projector
Super Nintendo
Media Center PC
5.1 Dolby Surround
Comcast HD Box

Back to the Future Poster :D
Ancient standing Philco AM Radio

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