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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 25, 2008
Meridian, ID
I've done some searching in the forums and did a "Check if Already Posted" and couldn't find a comprehensive list.

I am just curious what RPM setting people have set as their default low speed and their avg. CPU temp (C).

I'm running 2850 RPM with about 52 degrees.
I have 4 settings..

My IDLE is 2350 and about 52-54ºC... I made a "Higher Up" at 3000 RPM and 4k for downloading (Fans are loud after that I find).. as well as a FULL OUT (about 5850RPM)!! I generally Pretty much leave it alone at Idle (2350) unless it seems to be Workin' a Bit Hot... then I adjust... :cool:
I keep mine at 2000rpm for both fans and idles around 49c-55c but doing heavy multitasking stuff it goes up to 59c-60c.

I used smc fan control to set it at 2800 and it always stayed around 52c-55c even with doing everything I always do.. but I decided to keep it on stock so if the gpu fails I can get the new logic board sooner instead of prolonging the failure.
Here are my four presets.

Default (Stock with SMC) - Min 2000 RPM
Higher RPM (Stock with SMC) - Min 4000 RPM
Gaming (Custom) - Min 4760 RPM
Fo'Real Heat (Custom) - Min 5400 RPM

I use the 'Gaming' preset when I game on OS X and the 'Fo'Real Heat' preset when I play CS:Source on crossover.

I pretty much ensure my CPU temp is lower than 60(max).

Oh, and this may be a weak question, but is it possible to replace the fans later on in my MBP's life?
Mine is at 47c with fans at 3464rpm! But even when they ramp up to over 5000rpm, they are hardly audible. Wonder why my fans seem to run faster than most?

I dunno red could be that i have mine on a stand or maybe yours has a build up of paste, these contribute to heat issues,even if i have fans at 1000RPM my temps only go up to 50c idle ( browser open etc ) but if i do something intensive we could see 90c, as long as you don't see stupid temps i wouldn't worry to much about it

oh and if my fans ramp up to to around 4000rpm it sounds like a jet taking off
Default is 2000RPM
2550RPM is when the temp is above 115*F
3000RPM is when the temp is above 125*F
3500RPM is when the temp is above 135*F
5000RPM is when the temp is above 145*F
Default : 2000rpm
Higher RPM : 3000rpm
Slightly Warmer : 4000rpm
Super Hot : 5500rpm
Model Name: MacBook Pro 17"
Model Identifier: MacBookPro1,2
Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
Processor Speed: 2.16 GHz

- 1000 (smc default)
- 1500 (my default ~50-55*C)
- 3000 (watching youtube, etc. ~60*C)
- 4500 (multitasking w/CS3 ~60-65*C)
- 6000 (encoding/converting video, heavy multitasking ~65-70*C)

I think I need to come up with some names for the settings.
I generally Pretty much leave it alone at Idle (2350) unless it seems to be Workin' a Bit Hot... then I adjust... :cool:

Curious... why is SMC Fan Control more popular than Fan Control?

I've used both, and Fan Control just makes more sense to me. You set min/max fan vs. respective rpms and it adjusts linearly. So much better. Never have to adjust a thing!
FanControl can really mess with the default settings when not uninstalled properly.

Also, I use smc simply because it is what I found first.
FanControl can really mess with the default settings when not uninstalled properly.

Also, I use smc simply because it is what I found first.

I started off using SMC first too (for about a week), but I got annoyed at having to manually change settings and stumbled upon Fan Control. At first some gripes I noticed turned me off but then it appeared many were due to user misunderstanding (ie. Macbook having only one fan or fans spinning like crazy due to an out of control process).

It's something that I would really hate to live without. Every time I do a compilation (takes about 15 minutes) my temps shoot up into the 70s, when finished, back down to ~50. It also gives you a nice audio cue on how much load your machine is taking.
Here are my four presets.

Default (Stock with SMC) - Min 2000 RPM
Higher RPM (Stock with SMC) - Min 4000 RPM
Gaming (Custom) - Min 4760 RPM
Fo'Real Heat (Custom) - Min 5400 RPM

I use the 'Gaming' preset when I game on OS X and the 'Fo'Real Heat' preset when I play CS:Source on crossover.

I pretty much ensure my CPU temp is lower than 60(max).

Oh, and this may be a weak question, but is it possible to replace the fans later on in my MBP's life?

I have a used 2007 Macbook Pro running OS X 10.11.6. The heat is a bit much on stock settings, so I've upped the defaults to 4600 (similar to what you have down for gaming). It's doing pretty well so far, although I have it using an external Wi-Fi adapter. It's supposed to be used at my house as a replacement for my iMac, so it doesn't have to be moved/setup every so often. My little experiment?
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