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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
This sequence in which we are all participating is a thread, not a post (a thread is where a member contributes individually with a post, and the thread grows from that). Just correcting the terminology here. In any event, yes, a poll would have to be done by the original poster who began this thread.... Or by someone else with another new thread started.
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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
Hit enter too early, sorry :cool:. Happy to create a poll. However, I want to make sure I have the options right.

  1. “Liberty Hall” - one image of your creation each day that is composed of at least one original photograph from any camera by you or at your direction.
  2. “Old school” - One image of your creation per day that is a single original photograph from any camera taken by you or at your direction.
  3. ”In the middle” - One image of your creation per day that can be composed of one or more photographs from any camera taken by you or at your direction, including panos, diptychs and triptychs. Consider a starting a special interest thread if you just want to post specialty images (panos, diptychs, triptychs, collages, etc) as they may receive more attention.
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macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
we should also add in diptychs to make sure that everyone's voice is heard on that. Or let people add an option? I don't think I've ever made a poll here. Can it be pick X number of items?


macrumors 65816
Apr 24, 2022
I'm not familiar with the phrase "Liberty Hall," but I am in favor of one image per day per poster, even if that one image is made from combining multiple exposures (diptych, multi-exposure panoramas stitched together, stacked star trail photos, etc.). Though in the case of such images, a brief artist's statement of why they created the image that way would help us all to appreciate it, I think.

Thanks for starting this thread @r.harris1! Based on the discussion in POTD, I think it was well timed.


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
”Liberty Hall” is a phrase I first picked up from my wife - don’t know where she got it :). It means you can do what you want, except for in this case the all important one per day.
I don't know that term either! If this is to pair a personal image with someone elses, I think that should be specified rather than using liberty hall. ?

thanks for taking this on. ?

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
I think it is important to use clear phraseology in any poll; something like "liberty hall" probably isn't going to mean much to a lot of potential responders and that isn't good. Why confuse people? Just keep the thing simple and that so hard?


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
I think it is important to use clear phraseology in any poll; something like "liberty hall" probably isn't going to mean much to a lot of potential responders and that isn't good. Why confuse people? Just keep the thing simple and that so hard?
To be clear, I wasn’t proposing that it be what I wrote. It was intended to get us talking by presenting different ends of the spectrum so my own fault for not being clear and I apologize for letting us get wrapped around the axle. I agree that clear phraseology is important. Most polls are not very valuable and are poorly worded. It’s great you don’t find it hard. I’d love your suggestions to keep the thing simple and straight forward.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 20, 2012
Denver, Colorado, USA
I’m probably not the best person to set up a poll because my heart isn’t in it :). I think any image that has, at a minimum, one photograph by any available camera produced and liked by the submitter is fair game. Any tych is fine with me. I’m lost in the nuances to be honest. There are several reasons I feel this way. One is everyone has a different view of what photography actually is and it’s nice to accommodate different perspectives (these discussions go back to the beginning of photography). But another reason is that most people, most days, post a good old fashioned photograph. Most posts aren’t diptychs, triptychs or any tychs (funnily I saw one today at Denver Art Museum with 100). You can press a like button or not when you see one. You won’t see them that often.

This thread is ultimately where we can come to discuss POTD rules. It may hold other discussions than what we all think about diptychs and triptychs. If someone wants to set up a thread with a poll on tychs and can word it in a way that will provide valuable actionable information, I’m all for it :cool: .


macrumors demi-god
Jul 18, 2008
Glasgow, UK
I suspect one of the reasons for the limit of one a day was to preserve storage space on the servers - prior to the upgrade of the forum software a few years back.

I think the one image a day is so we are not being flooded by multiple image posts in a day from a single member.

I really do not see an issue with a collage if it is in a single image file - it is still a single picture.

I think part of the essence of the picture of the day is to give inspiration to others with our images. Our images tell a story. A Diptych, Triptych to me is valid as it is telling a story. They are typically two or three images that are related and convey a message or tell us about something. This is not to be confused with separate images.

I think one post a day per user is a reasonable rule and allows others to be seen in the feed. The one picture rule I think is to convey the message "keep it light people".

I see the one a day as being like the speed limit - we know we all have that subliminal urge to go just a little bit over the limit. Here in the UK, 70 mph is the limit. Most people can competently drive at up to say 85 mph.

If we set the limit at 85mph though, then that "just a little bit more" kicks in meaning people push 90mph - and they are outside their level of competence.

By keeping the limit at 70, people get to push their luck a bit and still stay well within the envelope of competency and the police then have flexibility to enforce where they need to, or to keep the traffic moving along assuming everyone is being sensible.

I feel the same here. If we limit it to 1, then we let the odd 2, 3 image post slip by where it is appropriate in the name of story telling. Or we self moderate and pull them up where they are unrelated.

If we set the limit at 3, we are then talking about this conversation happening with people posting 6-8 images in a post where does it stop.

Am I making any sense here what so ever? I dont know if I am off into la la land on this now.

short answer is that lets not get upset about images that are clearly meant to be displayed together especially when they can be made into a single image file it seems a bit pedantic.

I am concerned at the undertone here in that we are seeing increased dictation of rules and the feeling of having to be bound by contract to post.

How about we all just agree that it has worked for years to this point and within reason (we are a sensible community) we can accept flexibility in the guidelines? we know what abuse of the sentiment of the rules is and we know when it isn't.
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Darmok N Jalad

macrumors 603
Sep 26, 2017
Tanagra (not really)
My own thoughts is that we need not make it complicated. The more we do that, the more intimidating it becomes and that will probably influence participation. Anecdotally, when I was starting out, I was very hesitant to contribute anything, and a strict set of highly enforced rules would have given me serious pause. Just because many of us have been around awhile, we don’t own the place, but we can be welcoming and set the tone.

There’s the law, and then there is the spirit of the law. If the spirit is to encourage people to participate and maybe learn and grow, then what we’ve mostly been doing for years should work just fine—a gentle nudge when someone runs afowl of the “law.” A founding father once said that good governance requires virtuous people. I think the biggest turnoff is when we bicker about technicalities. One upload, your own work, and probably also safe for work (which may be a MR TOS rule anyway). In my years of being here, I can’t say I’ve seen a lot of malice when it comes to contributions. Usually it’s just an innocent “I didn’t know,” and a simple heads-up straightens things out. I think we are well into the weeds when we scrutinize a single contribution out of several hundred that get posted in a month.


macrumors 604
Aug 18, 2016
i really had no idea that my sporadic diptychs were upsetting the apple cart. ?

Darmok N Jalad

macrumors 603
Sep 26, 2017
Tanagra (not really)
i really had no idea that my sporadic diptychs were upsetting the apple cart. ?
They bother me none, nor do I see a problem with them. My commentary is more on how vigilant we need to be, or rather, not be. There are other photography sites that are very strict, and that is fine. POTD just never seemed to embody that. The weekly competitions are for where the rules are stricter, but even then if you miss the mark, you just won’t get punished with first place.


macrumors 68030
Aug 2, 2009
i really had no idea that my sporadic diptychs were upsetting the apple cart. ?
I think it's all the stuff that's been going on in the world ...... Covid , avian flu , monkey pox , and now sporadic diptychs running amok tipping over Apple carts ( although it is occurring in a Mac. site) . Regular diptych's are usually well behaved ... but the sporadic ones !!!:D


Apr 29, 2018
the PNW
i really had no idea that my sporadic diptychs were upsetting the apple cart. ?

Diptychs are fine by me as well. I don't think your occasional diptychs are the issue (one just happen to occur close to another issue discussed in this month's POTD)...

it just seemed odd that it was an issue all of a sudden ?

Unless I am wrong, I think the historical photo (not taken by the poster) was the actual reason for this thread. Please continue to share your work, whatever technique it may be.

My take, for what it is worth:
  • One post per day
  • Your own work (unless an exception is agreed upon)
  • SFW
  • Like
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