Back to the drawing board then!
The QEMU method would work if you're game... Either that or just install Panther? The installation was available in CD format (3 discs) and the B&W will be a happy camper.
[doublepost=1503543490][/doublepost]Another thought; I have had mixed results with a
NewerTech USB Universal drive adapter on PowerBook G4s. I couldn't get an Aluminum G4 15" to recognise drives attached to this, but it worked fine on my 12" PowerBook.
Keep in mind, this was with 2.5" HDDs which use USB bus power, whereas a 3.5" drive will be powered from the included transformer with a molex connector, so results may fare better.
1. Obtain an adapter
2. Remove the B&W G3's HDD, connect it to the drive adapter.
3. Plug the USB device into your PowerBook G4
4. Boot from the Tiger installation DVD on the PowerBook
5. *Hopefully* the installer sees the external 3.5" HDD and lets you install.
The alternative is to plug this into your mid-2012 (MacBook Pro?) over USB and use the QEMU method I mentioned earlier, instead of installing it into a PC tower.