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Nov 28, 2018
Got one of these (actually 2, also a 300MHz on the shelf):
At least I think it is as it says 400 MHz on the label, with 128MB RAM, if it's still in there, forgot to check, label says 128MB.

... and the harddrive (IBM DNES-309170 9GB Ultra2 SCSI) has a loud high pitch noise that fills a room.
I believe it's past 21 y-o and it's time to replace it.

So I want to swap it for something modern and hopefully more quiet to use with OS9.2.x.

Available options that I have at home:
32GB CF-card with IDE-adapter
120GB 2.5" SATA Seagate Momentus 5400.2 ST9120821AS
120GB 2.5" SATA Seagate Momentus 5400.2 ST9120821AS
320GB 2.5" SATA WD3200BVVT (SATA would need an IDE adapter if possible)

6.49GB 2.5" IDE IBM Travelstar DBCA-206480
10.06GB 2,5" IDE IBM Travelstar DJSA-210
40GB 2.5" IDE Toshiba MK4025GAS

2.16GB 3.5" IDE Samsung WU32165A
10GB 3.5" IDE Fujitsu MPF3102AT
16GB 3.5" IDE Fujitsu MPE3170AT
20GB 3.5" IDE WD Caviar WD200
40GB 3.5" IDE Samsung SpinPoint SP0411N
100GB 3.5" IDE Maxtor 4W100H6

6GB 3.5" IDE Quantum Fireball CX (Apple branded)
80GB 3.5" IDE WD Caviar WD800 (Apple branded)

I assume I'll loose performance if I use ATA/IDE but it would be worth it to stop the noise.

I remember messing with this before trying to use an IDE SSD - didn't work, computer would freeze and spontaneously crash. Tried some harddrive as well, I recall I had to shut off virtual memory to get it started.
Not that I'm experienced with such things.

Plan was to install one of the drives I have (I have a few more, this is what was at hand), copy everything over, scrap the SCSI-disk and SCSI-card (put it on the shelf for safe keeping, I rarely throw anything away). Then enjoy just hearing fan noise...
So, disconnect SCSI drive, install OS9.2 on the IDE drive, reconnect SCSI drive and copy stuff over... I read somewhere it's a drag and drop maneuver basically.

If you have other recommendations, I'm all ears.
I would use whatever is the quietest IDE drive you have.
I think the Samsung Spinpoint's are first candidates but it all depends if the bearing is still ok.
On the other hand the B&W G3 are known for being problematic with IDE drives (1st revision only?)
I think if you have a 1st revision B&W G3 the best would be to find a SCSI-SD card solution?
I think i saw something mentioned recently on Youtube. Let me try to find it...
How do I know if it's the first revision?

I found some SCSI2SD units, they all have the large two row pin connector IDC 50-pin or external 25-pin DSUB. Card is Ultra2 SCSI, it has a connector similar to DSUB, High Density DB 50-pin. Also a long thin connector on the outside (68 pin?).
Adapter perhaps? There's a lot of 64 to 50pin... can't find many MD50 to 50pin.

There's no IDC 2x25 on the SCSI-card. :(
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I'd go with a bootable SATA card. That gives you access to fast, modern spinners or even SSDs if you want.

In general, I find 10K RPM drives to be obnoxiously loud, and usually at a pitch that drives me up a wall. 15K drives, if you can find them, are a lot better if you want to keep SCSI, although in my experience most 15K drives are 80 pin.
I'm guessing there's a limit to how fast equipment a 400 MHz G3 can handle... ;-)
From what I have found limit is 53MB/s on writes through the PCI-ports (except the one for the graphics card).

Getting fresh Ultra2 SCSI drives seem to be difficult.
Not that I'm going to spend $400 (which would end up $600 before it gets here) but there seems to be unused drives out there for sale:

Bootable SATA card and SSD would have been nice.
So, if I can aquire one of these mystical bootable SATA cards, what size SSD/HD is recommended, want to install and run OS9.2.2.
Seems a Sil3112 may be reflashable...

I read that the G3 rev1 has a three side-by-side harddrive mounting plats... so it's probably one of those. I suppose the chip markings can be checked on the ATA/33 hard drive controller. Memory starts coming back to me though that I once came to the conclusion this was the troublesome model.
According to wikipedia: "The easiest way to tell if the unit is a Rev.2 is by looking at the CMD chip located on the logic board. The CMD chip on Rev. 1 logic boards is PCI646U2 and on Rev. 2 logic boards is 646U2-402."
Honestly, pretty much any SATA drive you get will be great. I have a decent number on 7200rpm smallish(40-120gb) spinners. Depending on what OS you're running, you might find yourself with more space than you can reasonably use even with something like an old and cheap 32 or 64gb SSD.
SATA seems like the first choice, with a SATA card. I have a spare SATA card, turns out it's a Sil3114 though. :(
So, need to get one of those SATA cards, preferrably from Europe...
You can get 80-68pin adapters cheaply if you want to stay SCSI. The newer drives are quieter as long as you don't go for the superfast datacentre drives.

Otherwise, a SATA adapter would be best although you will probably have to flash your own as they don't come up for sale very often. If you only want to use OSX, get a 2 port card with a SiI3512 chip. They flash easily with the Wiebetech firmware and can be flashed back to PC. For OS9 you are going to have to replace a BIOS chip on a 2 port SiI3112 card.

If you have a rev A B/W, you might also consider investing in a PCI IDE adapter as the onboard IDE is not the best or most reliable if you have spare IDE drives to hand.
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If you have a rev A B/W, you might also consider investing in a PCI IDE adapter as the onboard IDE is not the best or most reliable if you have spare IDE drives to hand.
I have an ATA-133 card in my B&W and it works great. Not to mention there is no 128GB limit anymore. I also have one in a Beige G3. They turn up on ebay a lot.
There is a SATA card on ebay that I can confirm as working, but it only boots Mac OS X, not 9.
Why not use a 128 GB SSD with a IDE to SATA Adapter. I have this combination in my G3 Beige on a ATA 66 card but this will work also on the internal port.
Found a Saitek card on German eBay, in box, "Macintosh" on the box, while waiting for reply if he could ship it to Sweden - it was sold at BIN for 45 Euros.
So, when checking for SiL3112 cards I found this:
Should be OK with a reflash, right?
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