The chargers arrived today.
I initially had a bit of a false start, as I powered the computer up and got the disk with a question mark. I feared the worst-a dead hard drive-but none the less thought I'd try booting it off a disk.
I went up to hunt through my disks and found a bunch of sets of System 7.0.4 disks, which at least as per EveryMac won't work since 7.1 is the minimum OS. I was sitting around dreading making a set of 7.5 disks(I don't even think I have the images downloaded) when I looked over on my desk and happened to see a single 7.5 install disk(Apple original). It is Disk 1. I dug a little more, but couldn't come up with the complete set.
In any case, I popped in install 1, powered on the computer, and it spit the disk right back out. Amazingly enough, though, it then gave me a Happy Mac and I heard the HDD accessing. Over the course of the next several minutes, it booted to OS 8.1.
The last owner sprung and maxed out the RAM in this at 36mb, although it has the original 160mb HDD that is nearly full. There's no real compelling reason I see to run 8.1 and there's nothing I want to save, so will take it back to 7.5 or 7.6. I REALLY need to get a SCSI adapter so that I can hook up a CD-ROM and ZIP drive to these older laptops.
Before I do that, though, I'm probably going to hook up an ethernet cable and try to get on the internet

. It does have Netscape 3.5 installed.
While I'm at it, has anyone ever re-celled one of these batteries? I haven't even had it out to look at, but I'm guessing it would be straight forward if one could find the correct cells. I've done my fair share of NiCad and NiMH packs for other applications, so would hope I could tackle this one.